I need you

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Possible smut! You have been warned

I drove home going faster than the speed limit fuck her for not supporting her son and fuck Mable for telling her mom about him! Also, fuck me for having these feelings! I thought as I speed home.

 "Dipper slow down! You're going to crash!" Mabel yelled. She's right, I'm going to kill us both. I slowed down a little, only 4 miles from the shack.

 "Why did you tell her about Bill?" I asked. "What if she calls Ford and Stan, what would they do? What would I do?" I asked looking in between her and the road. 

"I'm sorry Dipper! But what was I supposed to do? Lie to her?" She asked stonefaced

 "Yes! That is exactly what you should have done!" I said getting frustrated 

"I'm sorry Dipper," she said quickly 

"Whatever," I said I was being mean and I knew it, but I couldn't help it she told mom about something that isn't her's to tell. I turned into the gravel driveway that led to the shack. I parked and got out grabbed my bags and walked into the shack. 

"We're home!" I yelled no answer Well okay, Ford is probably downstairs and Stan is always out, and Bill was probably summoned or something I walked further into the house and placed my bags down in the living room 

"We should have just gone out to eat Dip," Mabel said from behind me. 

"Why? We have food here," I said walking to the kitchen to find Bill standing over the stove stirring what looked to be soup that was in the pot. It smelt good actually. 

"What are you making Bill?" Bill turned around with a wooden spoon still in his hand. He had the biggest smile on his face as he walked toward me and stopped right before our lips touched. 

"I missed you so much," he said his breath smelled like peppermint. 

"But..." right before I could say anymore he pushed our lips together. I kissed back but glowed a deep red as my cheeks burned. 

"Eeeee that's so cute," I quickly pulled away a blush now covering my neck and ears. 

"Mabel!" I screamed when I noticed that she was holding a camera. "Sorry, Bro-Bro but this is going in the scrapbook!" She squealed running to her room. I sighed walking to the pot to find it was an odd soup I'd never seen before. 

"What type of soup is this?" I said dipping my finger into the substance. I was just about to lift my finger up to my mouth when Bill pulled my hand away and up to his face. 

"Not for you," he said licking the substance off my finger. 

"What is it for then?" I asked wiping my finger on his shirt in disgust as he walked back over to the pot. 

"It's a spell, well more like a potion, but you know what I mean. It is to protect the house from any other demons that may try to hurt you, or any of the other Pines members, and it is quite poisonous to humans when consumed," Well thanks, Bill I thought walking out into the living room No problem my Pine tree he said Your Pine tree huh? When did we decide that? I asked sitting on the couch and turning on the Tv 

"Right now," he said walking in and sitting down on the couch next to me. 

"Right now huh?" I laughed alongside Bill. After a while, I found the space between us closing, and halfway through the show, we were watching we were practically sitting on each other. He placed his hand on my thigh. 

"B...bill what are you doing?" I asked a little flustered 

"Just relax Pine tree," is all he said before leaning over and kissing my neck forcibly. I clenched my teeth and bit my tongue trying to hold back a moan. I bit my lip as his lips left a wet trail down my neck he acted like he was searching for something.

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