A little help

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I woke up hoping that Bill being gone was just a dream, but it wasn't. When I turned around to face my room, Bill was nowhere in sight, I sighed and got out of bed throwing on a tee-shirt and some blue jeans, and walked out of my bedroom and down to the living room. Mabel was already there drinking a cup of Mabel juice and reading a book. 

"Good morning Diaper how did you sleep?" She asked setting her book down 

"Just fine, how was the party?" I asked walking over and sitting in front of her. 

"It was good, everyone missed you though," I just nodded looking down at the table. "How about we go for breakfast?" Mabel asked I nodded getting up she followed me out of the house and into the car. 

"Am I driving or are you?" I asked her she threw me the keys and climbed into the passenger's seat. I climbed into the car and started it. I backed out of the driveway and we were off to lazy Susan's. "How long did the party last?" I asked turning onto the main road 

"It only went to two then everyone left, Pacifica was passed out on the stage so I took her home. She heavier than she looks," She said I chuckled knowing just how heaving her dead weight was. I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the car getting out. Mabel walked over to me taking my arm and putting it around her I pulled her close as we walked through the door. We did this so Mabel wouldn't be harassed by the outsiders coming here for school. We sat down in a booth and ordered. Mabel got a stack of blueberry pancakes and some bacon, I got two chocolate pancakes, a sunny-side-up egg, and some bacon. I looked up to find Mabel on her phone texting someone 

"Who are you talking to? It doesn't look like you're having much fun," I said watching her facial expressions change as she was typing. 

"Um, Pacifica wants me to come over she wants help planning some kind of party," Mabel said setting her phone down and looking at me I just gave the thumbs up and went back to staring into space.

Mabel's Point of view

When we got to the booth my phone vibrated in my pocket I pulled it out to find a number from an unknown caller who was texting me.

Unknown: Hey, this is Will, Bill's brother.

Mabel: Hello, why are you texting me?

Will: I want you to get out of the house for a little bit. I furrowed my brow

Mabel: Why?

Will: You know that birthday gift that Bill gave Dipper?

Mabel: Yeah what about it?

Will: Well, Bill wants me to teach him the rope since he isn't here for it, and if we wait for Bill to get back it could have already gotten too strong for him to handle and it could kill him.

Mabel: What do you want me to tell him? To stay at the house while I go out or something?

Will: Whatever you want to do.

"Who are you talking to? It doesn't look like you're having much fun," I looked up at him he was looking at me

 "Um Pacifica wants me to come over she wants help planning some kind of party," I lied to the best ability he nodded and gave me the thumbs up, and went back to staring into space. Soon after our food came out and we soon finished. "I want to drive!" I said jumping up and down beside Dipper 

 "Okay, okay okay here you go," He said chucking and handing me the keys 

"Yay," I said clapping getting into the front seat starting the car, and driving off.

Dipper's point of view

We got back to the shack around ten Mabel says she will just drop me off and head over to Pacific's house. We pulled into the driveway we came to a stop I got out 

"Bye, Dipper, I will see you later," Mabel said waving I waved back and headed to the door. She honked as she pulled out I turned around and waved to her. When she was fully out of the driveway I started for the door, that's when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see a green-haired man looking at me, I backed away from him 

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked a stinging pain came from the triangle on my wrist it was red It must be Bill telling me something Then it turned green Okay it is Bill telling me something 

"What are you looking at boy?" The man said grabbing my wrist and pulling it to his face the smirk he once wore had now dropped "Bill Cipher, huh?" He said letting go of my arm 

"You must be one of those demons he's come across?" I asked he suddenly turned a bright red with pure rage Wrong question time for me to run. I turned on my heels and ran to the porch I heard the demon try to follow me but was stopped by Bill's barrier Thank you, Bill. I walked through the door and walked right out the back, not wanting to see if he could break that barrier. I was looking down when I bumped into someone, I quickly looked up getting ready to punch whoever it was. Will stood in front of me blocking his face. I quickly put my hands down "Sorry I'm a little jumpy," I said he looked around his hands putting them down when he shall that I wasn't going to hit him 

"Yeah, I can see that," he said straightening his tux. 

"What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in hell?" I asked 

"No, Bill wants me to teach you some magic and to keep you safe," he said walking past me and into the shack 

"But what about your family, didn't they want everyone there?" I asked closing the door behind me he walked into the living room and sat down 

"No, I'm not a part of the family in their eyes," He sighed 

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting down as well 

"Well, when my brother was born they must have shall all they needed, and when I was born they didn't want anything to do with me. I was thrown out and raised by an old hag, only Bill came to see me and accepted me into the family," I shook my head 

"Wow that's horrible," He just shrugged and got up and looked out the window

 "Wow, how stupid could this one be?" He asked I got up to see what he was talking about, he was talking about the demon from earlier he kept trying to get past the barrier 

"Pretty stupid it seems," Will laughed and walked away from the window "Can we do all this magic stuff tomorrow?" I asked pouting I even stuck out my bottom lip 

"Fine! But no more putting it off after that," he said I did a little dance of excitement "I don't see what Bill see in you," I just flipped him off and walked to the kitchen grabbing a pitcola "Well you're feisty I give you that," I flipped him off again taking a drink from the can "I have to get going but I will see you tomorrow," He said walking to the door 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I got it, tomorrow," I said walking after him 

"Bye Dipper," I waved back at him as he walked out of the door I shut the door and walked to the living room turning on the tv. Nothing good was on so I took the blanket from the back of the couch and curled up closing my eyes.

"Dipper. Dipper. Dipper!" I jumped awake to my sister shaking me 

"What?! What do you want?" I said looking up at her 

"It's ten at night either get up and go to bed IN your bed or go find your boyfriend," I looked at her confused 

"What do you mean?" I asked her sitting up letting the blanket fall off my shoulders "You kept calling Bill's name. What were dreaming of?" She asked sitting down next to me 

"I don't know, I can't remember," I said sitting up fully

 "Well, I'm going to bed you should too," She ruffled my hair and got up and walked to her bedroom. I got up, folded the blanket, and put it back on the couch then walked upstairs and to my room. I undressed and curled into bed falling back to sleep.

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