Some people can't be trusted

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Bill's POV

I woke up and went to sit up but was stopped by a warm thing wrapped around my waist. I looked down to find Dipper still asleep, his arms around my waist. I snuggled back into him and pretended to be asleep not wanting to wake him. After about an hour he finally started to stir, he groaned turning over and letting go of my waist. He got up and grabbed some clothes for the day and walked out to the bathroom, I also got up and got dressed in black jeans and a black shirt. Not my usual attire I said to myself shrugging and walking out of the bedroom, and down the stairs to the dining room where Mabel sat talking to someone on the phone. When she saw me she smiled and waved going back to talking to the person on the phone. I leaned up against the countertop listening quietly. 

"Yeah we should come over today, Dipper has a boyfriend now...Yeah! You will never guess who it is!...No I can't tell you, you will just have to see... ... ...Well no, I thought you would tell him...Well, you will have to tell him when we get there but I don't know what good it would do, it seems that he really loves Bill," she said looking up at me and smiling, I smirked back. A burning sensation came from the little pine tree on my wrist, it was red as well why are you mad Pinetree? I asked You. Gave. Me. A. Hicky! He screamed I snickered Well actually I gave you many  I said matter-of-factly Well get rid of them! Ford and Stan are going to kill me! That would be a sight to see. Sorry, Pinetree, here. I said snapping my fingers. There, they should be gone. I said listening back into Mable's conversation "Yeah we will be there...Yep, bye see you at twelve," She ended the phone call got up, and walked upstairs. 

"I can't believe you would just go and make plans without talking to me first," Dipper said coming down the stairs followed by Mable who looked quite hurt.

 "I'm sorry Dipper but Pacifica wanted to see you, she needs to tell you something," Dipper rolled his eyes and walked over to me being a foot and a half taller than him was an advantage because Dipper had to stand on his tiptoes just look in my eyes if I stood straight. He wrapped his arms around my neck trying to pull me down so he could kiss me. I snickered looking down at him, he started to get frustrated and was about to give up, when I slammed our lips together wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him up close to me. "As cute as it is, get a room and we need to leave, we have fifteen minutes to get all the way across town to get to Pacifica's house on time," Mable said from the corner as she watched us. Dipper flipped her off still keeping our lips together. "Come on, Dipper she really needs to talk to you, it's urgent!" she said frustrated 

"To me or to her?" He asked pulling away and turning to Mable 

"To her and to the steps she takes next," she said I leaned down and whispered into his ear 

"She likes you and she knows about us," A burning sensation on my wrist, "God Pinetree go easy on the anger," I said holding my wrist 

"You. told. Pacifica. about. US!" he screamed I rolled my eyes and slipped my arm around his waist,  "Pinetree, I told Shooting Star that she could tell her,"  

"Why would you do that?" he asked 

"Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders,  "It's not going to hurt anything," I said letting go floating in front of him. 

"Hmf, whatever we need to go," he said walking out to the car  

"Yayyyyy!" Mable clapped her hands and squealed. I walked out and got into the car next to Dipper in the back seat. Mable got in and we drove off to Pacifica's.

Dippers POV

We got to the mansion and parked in the gravel driveway. Pacifica was standing outside of the door on the steps waiting for us. I'm not ready for this. What could she possibly say to me? 'Break up with your boyfriend and come date me because I'm rich and a girl,' I rolled my eyes, yeah fucking right that will never happen I heard his chuckle as he got out and walked with me hand-in-hand to the steps. Mable skipped behind us. When we got to the steps Pacifica was in total disgusted. She doesn't seem happy about us holding hands Bill said to me I just smiled and nodded back. 

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