I think he's what?

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I woke up from another nightmare breathing heavily and sweating I must have screamed because when I finally came to my senses Mabel was sitting up saying my name "Dipstick are you okay?" She asked calling me by one of the many nicknames she has for me. 

"I'm fine just another nightmare," I said rubbing my forehead and wiping the sweat from my brow. 

"What was it about?" Mabel asked I tried to remember but I couldn't for some odd reason. 

"I can't remember if I do then I will tell you but just go back to bed I'm fine," I said laying back down and closing my eyes. After the incident with the puppets and then Weirdmegadon I've been having really bad nightmares like the ones that Bill Cipher, the all-knowing dream demon, gave me when he was still around but we had destroyed him on Grunkle Stan's mind. I laid back down, shoving the sheets off of me and to the end of the bed then closed my eyes falling back asleep.

                                                                                               time skips

I got up out of bed groggy and threw on some blue jeans and a hoodie then walked downstairs, no one was up yet because it was only six in the morning. "Why do I have to get up so early?" I groaned. I made some coffee and cooked myself some eggs and sat down at the table. It was only my sister's and my third time in Gravity Falls. Last fall mom told us that we would not be finishing high school but will be going and living with Ford and Stanly full time while our parents "figured things out" All it means is that they can't take care of us so they sent us away. "Piiiiiinnnnne Trrrreeeee you think too much," Someone said from behind me I spun around in my seat but found nothing. I just put it off as an odd thing that my mind made up and went on with eating and finishing my cup of coffee I set the plate and the cup into the sink before I headed out to the forest to get some more information about the creatures that lived there. I walked out to find it to be a bright and warm morning but would get hot soon. I walked off to the woods listening to the chatter of the birds and the gnomes running around. I had found a meadow yesterday so I walked to it finding an opening in the trees I walked out and sat down in the sun and laid back on the grass feeling the warmth of the sun engulf me and after a while I felt myself falling asleep but I didn't try to stop it and I finally fell asleep. I woke up to a grayish-colored world I knew all too well, it was the meadow but it was all gray. I looked around but found no reason why I was there in the first place. 

"Pine tree you think too much. Stop thinking so much kid," I recognized the voice and quickly got up staring at the floating triangle. 

"We killed you how are you here?" I asked, 

"I just am now let's get to something more fun SIT!" A chair appeared and I sat in it. Bill floated around me and then changed from a triangle to a human. Blond hair and a tuft of black hair to cover his left eye, a yellow sweater, some black skinny jeans, and his skin was tanned.

"B....bill what are you doing?" oh god he's hot.....wait what no he's not! Dipper what are you thinking? 

"You think I'm hot well thank you Pine tree," I blushed but of embarrassment  

"Can I go now?" I asked shakily 

"Fine get out of here," with a snap of his long fingers I woke up. I got up and walked back to the shack. Oh god, oh god, oh god I thought and think Bill is hot what do I do? I asked myself walking to the shack. 


   Sorry for the short chapter hope you like it! It's my first fanfic so take it easy on me! Bye until next time                                                   

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