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The next day, yoongi woke up with a lighter conscience.

Having come to the decision to move on from jimin gave him a sense of relief he wasn't anticipating.

He didn't know how much the guilt of his pining after a "spoken-for" omega drained him.

But now that he had a plan to extinguish these feelings made everything, if only a bit, better.

Making the decision doesn't magically eliminate his feelings, of course, if that was the case he would've done it long ago.

Pining after one of your brother's to-be mate isn't exactly fun.

Especially having them so close and bearing witness to their flourishing relationship.

But still, knowing he has a plan and that it's only a matter of time until these worries will be buried is a blessing.

It won't be long until he won't feel the need to tear his brother's neck for being too close to jimin, he won't have to mask his growls with coughs, he won't have to keep his feelings in check, he won't have to close himself off in his studio when jimin is going through his heat and it's not his turn to help, he won't have to bite his tongue every-time a pet-name threatens to fall out of his lips outside a heat or a rut.

Just thinking about all these things makes him want to hurry up and claim Sungwoon for him.

Speaking of Sungwoon, they have their first date tomorrow but yoongi has no idea what to plan.

He can ask jimin, but he doesn't want to talk to his band-mates about this yet.

No matter how optimistic yoongi feels about this( which is a miracle in itself seeing how much of a realist with a flare of pessimism he is) he doesn't know how it will turn out and he doesn't want to raise their hopes for it all to blow up when it doesn't work out.

And so he goes on the internet, he's sure he'll find something he can work with.

He spends the morning planning their date, making arrangements and texting his date for the time and all.

Sungwoon asks him what he's planning but yoongi insists on keeping it a surprise just saying that he should dress comfortably.

They talk about their plans for the day and then they both go on with their day.

Yoongi changes his clothes and goes to the studio for dance practice.

When he gets there he finds the 4 youngest already there and he doesn't know what he expected.

Jimin has been acting weird lately, well not weird , more like unusual.

He's been all over the alphas whenever he and yoongi make eye contact. But right after he comes running towards him and humor him.

This behavior has kept him awake at night more often then he'd like to admit.

Until he figured it out. Jimin knows.

He's sure jimin knows about his crush (yoongi won't admit that it's a lot little more than that).

And him being the little angel he is, is trying to let yoongi down easy, without having to straight out reject him. He knows yoongi is observant and will see it.

But his kindness doesn't let him give yoongi the cold shoulder and so he's fast on his side the moment the message gets across and yoongi gets upset, no matter how much he tries to mask it under his poker face.

What jimin doesn't understand is that sometimes kindness hurts more than anything else.

It gives yoongi fake hope no matter how much jimin makes it obvious that he's interested in someone else. Just that bit of kindness after makes yoongi fall deeper in love with the omega.

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