someone special

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The next morning, yoongi pulled up on Sungwoon's dorm with a KIA Sorento.

The rented car was luxurious enough for a date and common enough not to attract unwanted attention.

Not to mention the windows were tinted, so it provided enough cover for them to enjoy themselves with a sense of privacy.

He sent Sungwoon a text letting him know he was waiting for him at the back door.

Not even 2 minutes later Sungwoon walked through the door like it's a runway.
And yeah, they're not going under the radar with him looking like that.

Sungwoon had his hair parted in the middle, showing off his forehead.
His makeup was on point,a subtle orange tone exhibiting his plumb lips and a soft touch of cranberry eyeshadow to bring out his dark eyes, giving his usually soft features that edgy angle.

He was rocking a white band-shirt with turquoise tartan pants and black combat boots.
His look was finished with a fine leather choker and a puzzle necklace around his neck and several plain bracelets and rings in decorating his hands.

He wasn't over-dressed or anything but he is sure to catch some second-glances beginning from yoongi first.

Yoongi felt under-dressed in his black snapback and sunglasses, white shirt and washed-up jeans.
In his defense, he was trying to blend in though.

Tossing this thought to the back of his mind, he made his way out of the car and towards the passenger's door to open it for his date, not forgetting to take the single flower he picked out for him.

Sungwoon took the yellow calla lily from his grasp and rewarded him with a shy bashful smile:
-"Gratitude?" he asked, and yoongi visibly relaxed at the fact that Sungwoon knew flower language.

_" Yeah, for taking the chance and approaching me"

And the younger just nodded.

Yoongi held the door open for him until he got in. And then they drove away.

On the way, Sungwoon tried to ask where they were going but Yoongi wouldn't budge so he just spent the ride staring at the lily in his lap and smiling softly to himself.

And if yoongi saw him and was endeared he didn't show it.

Half an hour later they pulled up on a back street.

Yoongi was the first to get out and jogged towards Sungwoon's door to open it for him, who was just observing the street suspiciously:

-" Are you going to sell me for human trafficking hyung?"

-"I tried but they wouldn't pay much for you...
Just get out of the car brat!"

The younger got out reluctantly pouting and muttering about being only one year apart and yoongi just shook his head and smiled fondly.

He led the way to a back door and when they got in, Sungwoon's mouth fell open and he froze for a couple moments before he broke out in excited shrieks.

Yoongi just mentally patted himself on the back for coming to the idea of renting out the whole arcade parlor.
But before he could bask in his sense of pride he was already being dragged by his hands towards the different types of games.

They spent the whole day there, just having fun and trying out all the games.

They found out they were both competitive when it came to things they should be good at, but to their surprise, those were the games they did the worst at.

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