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Yoongi grunts, still half asleep.
He's so comfortable and warm but the sun shining on his face is preventing him from falling back into his slumber.

As he slowly gets his senses back he starts registering someone nibbling at his neck; which is kinda weird but not as uncomfortable as he expected it to be...

He takes a deep breath in preparation to start yawning and stretching when his body grows stiff because that's definitely Jimin's scent tangled with his.

Snippets of last night come back to him, It definitely wasn't just another dream.

He pulls back, letting his skin slide out of the younger's mouth, which makes the omega whine.

He takes in the beauty that is Jimin laying on his bed with his neck layered in bite marks, the marking bite standing out.

It's a bruise, but for some reason, yoongi finds it so alluring he can't help but reach out and brush his fingers on it to make sure it's real; what wakes the omega up.

They stare into each other's eyes and yoongi is getting nervous because what if Jimin didn't really want to mate? What if it was just him being horny? What if yoongi just marked jimin without his full consent?

He knows that doesn't happen, he knows heats and ruts don't evoke the desire to mate. They simply make one horny, but he still can't help but wonder, his insecurities getting the best of him.

He's spent so long thinking Jimin doesn't want him. He already accepted that the Omega will never be his, will never want him so his mind finds it difficult to adjust and believe that this is real, that Jimin did want him and chose to be with him; wanted THEM for the rest of their lives.

Jimin, however, just smiles at him bashfully and Yoongi's worries all melt into nothing.

He leans down and leaves a small peck on those plum abused lips he spent the last three days sucking and biting into.

As he's pulling back, jimin's hands slide up his back and wrap around his neck, pulling him back into a deep kiss; morning breath be damned.

Once Jimin is satisfied, he lets Yoongi pull back a bit, still keeping him close though.

They keep staring at each other and Yoongi is so so fond, he can't contain himself.

He whispers out a "morning sunshine" before he's leaning down again to spread kisses on the younger's face.

Yoongi then draws them a bath, where they spend the remainder of the morning soaking in the scented water enjoying each other's proximity and soon enough soft touches turn heated.

Later on, yoongi cooks jimin's favorites while the omega hangs into his back, nuzzling on his neck.

It's later in the afternoon when Jimin finally checks his phone and sees that the other members have no idea about his whereabouts and are freaking out.

Jimin searches into Yoongi's clothes and chooses a wide collar sweater, leaving his neck and collarbones on full display; showing off his 'love marks' as he calls them.

He struts out, walking into the dorm preening; yoongi following right behind, rolling his eyes but a smile won't leave his face exposing how happy he actually is.

The welcome they get is heated, but in another way from what they imagined. The members are happy for them, but they've been so worried!

The least they could've done is leave a message.

Taehyung has a low tolerance for alcohol and blacks out after drinking so he couldn't remember what happened or how he got home after the Bachelor party.

For all they know, yoongi was out to mate Sungwoon and Jimin has been missing for three days now.

What happened After Jimin left with the keys

The moment Jimin went out running from the club, silence stilled and everyone was staring at Sungwoon.

The Omega was so embarrassed he didn't know what to do. He smiled sheepishly at his guests while scratching his neck and said:
-" Well, that just happened."

No one moved and he was mortified and everything was just so awkward and all he wanted to do was to get away from there.

-" I guess this means there would be no wedding... But enjoy the Party everyone. The club is already paid for and at our disposal so it'll be a shame to leave."
He looks directly at the Dj and tells him to put the music on again...

He tries to assist the intoxicated Omega that is now his responsibility having no idea how he's going to manage to do it with Taehyung being so much bigger than him.

Still, he tries stubbornly and is surprised when the drunkard does move only to find Daniel helping him on the other side.

The alpha, however, doesn't even look at him, facing forward.

They move silently catching a cab and take it to the BTS-dorm.

The Dorm is empty but Taehyung is already half asleep so they tuck him in bed, Daniel leaves a cup of Water on his night-stand and they leave, taking the same cab back to their own dorms.

The whole journey the alpha didn't even look at him once. The Omega was really hurt.

The Alpha and he used to be close but now he's afraid the Alpha has lost all respect for him.

He wants to explain that he didn't know, that he wasn't trying to steal his friend's alpha but would he believe him?

He already said all those things to Jimin and he's sure the younger alpha heard it all and he still won't look at him.

He has no proof that he had no bad intentions like Jimin said; Yoongi was claimed by scent, so maybe Sungwoon is lying.

Maybe the Omega really didn't care. Maybe that's why he didn't ask Jimin; the one doing the claiming and only asked Yoongi.

Honestly, the Omega isn't really sure about himself anymore. His actions have all been suspicious and he's no longer sure about his intentions.

Maybe he was trying to steal his friend's alpha? unconsciously... Who knows.

So instead of spewing some excuses even, he's no longer confident in he decides to just do damage control.

The alpha is about to leave his proximity when Sungwoon reaches for the sleeve of his blazer to keeps him there.
-"Can we pretend this never happened ?" He asks meekly.

The alpha meets his gaze for the first time since a while and shakes his head:
-"I don't want to do that, Hyung" he mumbles.

The Omega lets an "oh" slip out as he crooks his head down and lets the fabric slip out of his fingers.

He waits for the alpha to leave but the later stays still.
If it wasn't the dead of the night he would've missed how the younger sighed an " Is it really no good?"

He cocks his head to the side questioning and finds Daniel looking kinda frustrated.
" Do I really have no chance, Hyung? can't you at least think about it?"

The Omega is still confused before he gets a flashback of what Jimin said, and "oh".

Maybe he wouldn't be alone after all, maybe he looked in the wrong place... Maybe, just maybe he had what he was looking for right there all this time, Right next to him.

AN: I'm sorry for taking this long!!! Thank you for all the comments and Kudos, they make my day <3

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