there's no going back

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They had a cozy day in.

When Yoongi went to pick Sungwoon up, he found the younger already suffering from the symptoms of his heat.

He was already being anxious and having cramps; the moment he lied eyes on Yoongi, he let a whimper out and sprinted into his embrace where he started nuzzling in his neck and allowed a content sigh out of his mouth.

Yoongi gave the young alpha who opened the door a smile that the latter did not return.

For some reason, he didn't seem to like Yoongi, not that yoongi minded.

He knows he may come up as stuck up and unapproachable, but he was still fond of the cautious alpha; found him cute despite his build; like an oversized puppy.

He reminds him of Jungkook.

Yoongi leads his Omega to the car, opens the door for him and helps him get in.
The moment Yoongi straightens up Sungwoon lets another whimper out and releases a distressed scent.

Yoongi closes the door and runs to his side of the car.
Once he gets in and starts the car, he puts his hand on Sungwoon's thigh and rubs soothing circles with his thumb.

The physical-contact seems to calm the younger down.

Once they get to the apartment, Sungwoon seems content even without being in Yoongi's personal space; the scent in the condo helps.

He sees the suitcase, full of Yoongi's clothes and immediately turns his head towards Yoongi and fixes him with a hopeful gaze.

Yoongi chuckles and tells him to go on.

Sungwoon doesn't wait for anything else and bolts towards the bedroom with the suitcase.

While he prepares his nest, Yoongi goes to the kitchen to warm up the feast he made and arrange it on a Bed Tray.

Yoongi also puts a Pink calla Lily for appreciation and admiration and a Purple one for charm and passion tied together with a red thread to a ribbon.

Under the lilies Yoongi places a velvet box with the last courting gift; a Calla Lily collection flower pendant necklace in gold polished and satin apricot Orange and brilliant cut natural diamonds.
It has cost a fortune, but nothing is expensive when it comes to HIS Omega.

This was it, if everything went well, Yoongi would mate the Omega, if not this is where they'll part ways.
Either way, it was the end of the courting period.

When he enters the bedroom, Sungwoon has already spread his clothes on the bed and is lying in them, basking in the scent.

The moment he sees yoongi, he sits up and gives him a bright smile.

Yoongi puts the tray on the bed, in front of the Omega and settles down beside him.

He lets the younger discover the contains of the tray and allows his eyes to trail over the room.

He could see some of the clothes he packed discarded far away from the bed and he feels guilty, but there was nothing he could've done.

He and Jimin wore the same size and jimin always liked wearing his clothes long before he presented.
Even more so after.

It made sense; Omegas found alphas scents calming and the other alpha's clothes were too big for the small Omega, so Yoongi's clothes were perfect for him.

Jimin's scent has always been surrounding Yoongi, so much that Yoongi can no longer distinguish it from his own if he wasn't concentrating enough.
Thankfully Sungwoon understood this; they talked about it the first time they met.

Jimin's scent on Yoongi was the reason Sungwoon could relax around Yoongi; a foreign alpha at the time, so quickly.

Sungwoon thought Yoongi and Jimin were involved and wondered why Jimin never mentioned the alpha but yoongi was quick to explain that the fragrance came from the clothes they shared and not scenting.

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