Part 2

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Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out! Life has been a tad busy with the holidays and all. Reviews can help me get chapters out faster..... Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy chapter 2!

________________________________________________________________________________It was a gunshot there was no mistaking it. Lee and Frank gave each other a worried look as they urged their horses on. Six more shots followed. Frank was the first to notice the abandoned body on the road. The pastor jumped off his horse and checked the man's pulse. "Dead." Frank muttered.

"Anyone we know?" Lee asked getting off his horse.

"I don't recognize him, but who..."

"Shhh." Lee interrupted. "I hear something. Over there." He said taking off towards the noise. Both men stopped in horror of what they saw. Bill Avery leaning over someone in a red Mountie uniform. The men ran over to them. He wasn't moving. Jack wasn't moving. "Bill, what happened?" Lee asked grabbing his arm.

"He was shot. Go get Carson. Hurry."

"No. wait. Carson's out of town. Get Faith." The Pastor corrected. Bill felt for a pulse at his wrist. Nothing.

"It doesn't matter. He-he's dead." Bill hung his head. Jack had been a good friend of his. Lee looked at his pastor who nodded. He would still bring back Nurse Carter. Lee didn't know how to respond. He had become good friends with the Mountie, him and Elizabeth had..... Elizabeth. His heart seemed to stop. What would she do? He closed his eyes as he leaned against his horse. He would have to be strong for her, they all would.


Frank leaned over the lifeless body of his friend. Whispering a quiet prayer he leaned down, placing his hands on Jack's chest. "One, two, three, four...." he continued counting as he pressed down. Bill watched as Frank stopped pumping and placed one hand around Jack's mouth, and one closed his nose. The pastor then leaned down, breathing into him. The process repeated. Bill was about to give up hope when Jack gasped for breath. He turned to Pastor Hogan. "It worked, he's breathing!" the man found himself laughing.

"Come on, let's take him to the infirmary." Frank suggested. Jack was still alive, but it was a long road. They had no guarantee that he would be okay. Anything could happen, but for now, Jack was alive.


Lee rode as fast as he could towards the Schoolhouse. He tried to put everything out of his mind, especially Elizabeth. Jack was dead. He had seen it with his own eyes. It terrified him. Jack was a great Mountie, but more importantly, he was a dear friend. He knew everyone in the town felt that way. When he reached the gathering he quickly dismounted. Abigail was the first to see him. Seeing the worried look on his face she ran up to him.

"Lee, what's wrong? Where's Frank?" He didn't even seem to notice her. She grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Where's Faith?" He said simply.

"Faith? Over there." She said pointing towards a small gathering.

"Thanks." he began to walk away.

"Lee." She said grabbing his arm again. "What happened." Lee turned around and Abigail saw raw pain.

"Uh, I need to talk to you, could you go get Rosemary? And Abigail, make sure Elizabeth, just, don't tell her anything." Abigail was confused but she nodded and left to get Rosemary who was now sitting by Elizabeth. Lee quickly got Faith and met the other two girls.

"What's this all about Lee?" Rosemary asked.

"It's Jack, He's dead." A look of horror crossed over the small gathering. "He was shot. Bill killed the man who shot Jack, but we don't know who he is or why he did it."

"Let's go." Faith said quietly. She was glad that she decided to bring her horse, typically she would have just walked.

Lee looked over at Elizabeth playing with Opal. The two women followed his gaze. "Abigail, could you..."

"I'll talk to her. You go." Abigail assured him. Lee nodded and joined Faith by the animals.

Rosemary and Abigail walked over to where Elizabeth was still sitting on the steps. Elizabeth looked up and her smile melted away.

"Somethings wrong, what happened?"

"Elizabeth, could I talk to you a minute?" She requested quietly. Elizabeth nodded as she set Opal down on the step next to her.

"What's wrong with Ms Abigail?" Opal asked Rosemary.

"I don't know dear, but let's watch for some more fireworks." She smiled.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will try to get the next chapter our sooner this time... Like I said reviews always help! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas.

God Bless,


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