Part 6

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Hello again! I'm trying to get chapters out sooner to make up for the gap between the last two. I might even have the next chapter our before tomorrow! (It is a considerably shorter chapter, but I'm trying.) This chapter is dedicated to SoutherGal7 for her support and help with naming the characters. (I'm terrible at it) As always, I hope you enjoy! Please comment and let me know what you think!

God bless,



Six Weeks Later

Elizabeth laughed at the ridiculous hat Rosemary was wearing. It had the feathers from several different birds scattered throughout. The hat itself was purple with a large rim. Rosemary looked offended. "I simply don't see what all the fuss is about, this hat is the latest style in all the major cities!" she assured. Abigail shook her head.

"Maybe you should rethink wearing that to the wedding, we wouldn't want to take any of the attention off of the bride." she nodded at Elizabeth who blushed slightly.

Rosemary giggled. "I can't believe you're getting married tomorrow! It will be the most amazing moment of your life I assure you," she said with a far-off look in her eyes.

"I know," Elizabeth smiled dreamily. "It's been such a long road. I thought the day would never come." she smiled a faraway look clouding her eyes.

"Is Charlotte going to get here in time?" Abigail asked, raising the tea to her lips.

"She should be here first thing tomorrow, I just wish my parents could have made it" she finished wistfully.

"I know dear," Rosemary said patting her shoulder, "It is most unfortunate, but let's not dwell on the unpleasant," she scolded, " let's talk about how you want to wear your hair tomorrow!"


"Well Jack," Lee patted him on the back, "enjoy your last night of freedom." Jack laughed.

"I'd gladly live in slavery to have Elizabeth as my bride," he answered back.

Bill rolled his eyes."Such a romantic." The men laughed. Jack was truly elated. He was going to marry the love of his life. After everything that they had been through he was finally going to be married. For a time, it was debated if he would recover from a near-fatal gun wound, but now, only six weeks later, he was about to walk down the aisle. He was glad to be out of the infirmary. Carson had returned and knew a few tricks to speed up is recovery.

"How are you feeling anyway," Frank seemed to read the young Mounties mind.

"Much better, thanks. I do wish I knew who was trying to kill me and why," he responded.

"That would definitely be nice," Bill mumbled. "Honestly I find it strange, other than the threatening note pinned on the door nothing has happened."

"I wouldn't exactly be complaining." The pastor remarked.

"Accept that the body went missing. Probably means I would have recognized him, but I didn't recognize his description, this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense." Jack sighed.

"Come on guys, it's his wedding tomorrow, can't you guys stop talking about work for one minute?" Lee joked.

"You're one to talk," Jack responded with a laugh. "How many times has Rosemary complained that all you ever talk about is work."

"Oh, come now, I..." a bullet crashed through the window causing everyone to drop to the ground.

"Jack Thornton!" a voice called. "Come out and face me like a man!" the voice was deep and across somewhere between charming and terrifying. Jack And Bill were out of the saloon in a matter of seconds. Lee and Frank quickly followed.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Jack asked standing in the night. He saw the man, merely a shadow hiding in plain sight. Fully dressed in black. He was too far away to see his face.

"The names Kane, Kane Teller," he said the last name with ferocity. Jack's eyes widened. He knew this man, he had only met him once, but that was enough. He knew why he was here.

"Listen, Kane, I'm sorry, but we can talk about this," Jack assured him walking towards him.

"Take another stop and you're dead." Kane sneered. "I assumed you know who I am."

"Yes, I know, and I know why you would want to kill me but Wes wouldn't want this. " Jack tried to calm him.

"You don't know my brother, you didn't know either of them. Now they're both dead, and it's your fault." the voice was loud but low.

"Assuming your brother was the one who tried to kill him," he nodded towards Jack, "Jack didn't kill him, but that's what happens when he shoots the town Mountie." Bill showed no fear whatsoever. This wasn't his first rodeo.

"You wouldn't say that if you lost the most important person in your life. My brother meant the world to me, and this Mountie took him from me. Justice." was all he said as he disappeared. They all looked at each other for a moment in confusion. Why had the man suddenly left when he had Jack right here. Then Jack blanched. "Elizabeth," he whispered. They all ran.


"Well," Rosemary yawned, "I'm exhausted. I think head home, you make sure you get some rest before your big day!" she said heading for the door. Sometimes Elizabeth wondered if Rosemary was more excited than she was. Rosemary opened the door and was met with a man clad in black. "Oh!" she exclaimed as he pushed her back into the room. "I don't think you're going anywhere," he said in a smooth voice. "Take a seat young lady," he nearly pushed Rosemary down, "you too ma'am." he directed at Abigail.

"What is this?" Abigail demanded. The man responded with his gun pointed at her.

"I advise you sit down, I would hate for this thing to go off." she sat down, fighting the urge to smack him. "Now," he continued," you must be Elizabeth Thatcher," he said grabbing Elizabeth's arm, he pulled her to a standing position. "Well young lady, I think it's about time you and I have a little talk with your fiance." He yanked her to the middle of the room pointing the gun at her head. Both of the seated women gave a horrified gasp. Elizabeth didn't respond however she had grown several shades whiter.


Heart racing, hands shaking, he Jack flung open the back door of Abigail's sight that met him caused him to turn to stone. There in the middle of Abigail sitting room what Kane Teller holding a gun to the head of Elizabeth Thatcher.


I know, I skipped six months. I don't really know what to say about that time. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment!
God bless,


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