Part 4

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I know I haven't written in a long time. I apologize. It has taken me time to recover from the busyness of exams.I appreciate all of the comments and follows. Thanks for reading!

God bless,



There was confusion as she woke up, Abigail asleep by her side. Why had she woken up in her classroom? Why was Abigail here? What... It hit her like a ton of bricks. Jack was dead. The man she loved was dead, never coming back. He had returned home from war only to die in the streets of Hope Valley. It wasn't fair. It simply wasn't fair. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the pew. She must have cried herself to sleep in Abigail's arms. She couldn't believe he was actually dead. Everything inside her hurt. Forgetting the world around her, she let the silent tears fall.


She checked his pulse for what must have been the hundredth time. His breathing had relaxed some. That was good. Faith sat in the chair at his bedside. Letting out a gentle sight she closed her eyes. It had been a long night, with many close calls. She had wrapped his broken ribs caused by Pastor Frank's life-saving display. It was some form of resuscitation invented in Europe. She didn't really understand it, but it didn't really matter. It saved his life. Simple as that. She would be forever grateful. The bullet was removed and the wound dressed. There was not much else she could besides attempt to keep his fever down and wait.


Lee stumbled into his house, it was still the early hours of the morning. He had spent the night hurrying between the infirmary and the Jail. He wasn't much help in either place, but he felt as though he couldn't leave. Rosemary was still asleep. He crawled into bed next to her. The pillow still had fresh tears. She must have only fallen asleep recently. He would have to tell her everything in the morning.


The body didn't avail much. Not even Frank had recognized him. Pushing past his disgust he went over the facts once again. The man was tall, well dressed, not the type you would think of us a killer. His face was quite handsome with long eyelashes. His hair was as black as coal, but he had no facial hair. He looked so normal. Maybe that's why it worked so well. Nobody had seen this man come into town. Then again, with the railroad in business, strangers were showing up all the time without anyone noticing. Frank had already left, abhorring this violence. Bill shook his head, there was obviously some form of motive. He looked at the note. There wasn't much there. They wanted him dead. Someone out there still did. Sighing he left the Jail debating his next move. Making a decision he headed towards the Mercantile. Everyone was watching him with a sad expression. News of Jack's injury had spread quickly as is common in such a small town. He would send a telegram to some of his friends up north. That was the only chance he would have of finding Jack's attempted assassin.


He leisurely rode to the church. His mind in a state of prayer. He thanked God for sparing Jack's life. After all that had happened, it would break the town for Jack to die. Bill would find the killer's accomplice. He had no doubt. When Bill Avery set his mind to something there was no stopping him. The man, whoever he was, wasn't part of any of the crime rings he had been exposed too. He pushed his horse a little harder. He needed to prepare for Sunday's sermon.

When he arrived, he noticed that there was someone inside. Pushing the door open slightly, he saw two figures in the front row. They seemed to be asleep, however, when he opened the door the rest of the way, the girl turned to him. "Elizabeth?" He stood up, startling the sleeping Abigail. Seeing the tears he rushed towards her. "Oh, Elizabeth." he held her in his arms. "Shh, hush now everything's going to be alright."

"How can it be alright? How can anything ever be alright?" She gasped. "He's dead, Jack's dead, and nothing alright!" She sobbed.

"Oh, Elizabeth, no one told you?" He got a confused look from Abigail. He pulled Elizabeth's face up and looked into her eyes. "Jack's alive, he pulled through, it's okay." Elizabeth was too shocked to respond.

Abigail looked at him. "Lee said he was dead. We thought it was confirmed." She looked into his eyes for understanding.

"Let's go back to Abigail's," he suggested, "I can explain everything there."


The man crumpled the telegram. He was done with these amateurs. Even his brother had failed. He would simply have to take care of Jack Thornton, himself.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Please comment with any thoughts or suggestions.

God bless,


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