Part 3

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Thanks so much for reading! I really enjoy reading the comments. I went back and changed a few things in the last chapter, so if you have read it before 1-3-18 then I would advise going back and re-reading it. Thanks for reading, please comment if you are enjoying the story.

God Bless,


She hated this. She knew why Lee had asked her to talk to Elizabeth, but that didn't help much. Taking a deep breath Abigail prepared herself for the conversation to come. "Elizabeth, something happened in town tonight." The young woman nodded for her to go on. "A man came into town, we don't know who he was, but he had a gun..." Elizabeth began to tremble.

"Jack." she whispered. Abigail hung her head.

"Yes, Jack was shot." Tears began streaming down the girls face.

"Please, please tell me he's okay." she begged.

"I'm so sorry...'


"He, he died Elizabeth, I'm sorry." The heartbroken school teacher didn't try to hold back the tears. Abigail knew better than to say anything. She had been through the same thing and she knew how hard it was. All she could do now was be there for her.

~ ~ ~WCTC~ ~ ~

Faith had never ridden harder, but Lee was right there with her. They made it back to town at record-breaking speed. When they reached the spot of the shooting, Jack was nowhere to be found, the other man was gone also. Faith immediately raced to the infirmary. Swinging the door open she was surprised to see Jack on the cot. Frank stood to explain but was nearly knocked over by her force. When she reached him, she felt for a pulse. She turned, surprised. Lee saw the look of surprise.

"What?" he asked confused about her reaction.

"He's, he's alive!" she nearly giggled. He was in bad shape, yes. But the fact that he was alive was monumental! Frank explained the Bill was taking the other man to the jail to see what he could find out.

Faith set to work on the Mountie. She would do everything she could for him.

~ ~ ~WCTH~ ~ ~

Bill looked at the man. "A disgusting excuse for a human." he noted out loud. He picked up the gun the man had used. Nothing interesting. Only one bullet was gone, proof that he only took one shot, but that was the only shot he needed.

Checking the man's pockets he discovered a small piece of paper. It read. /You got this little brother. Don't doubt your abilities. Only take one shot, and don't get caught./ He flipped the note over. The back said, /P.S. Don't come home without proof he is dead./

This confirmed his theory. This was no troublemaker looking to make a name for himself. This was planned, with multiple parties involved. One thing was certain. He would get to the bottom of this.

Thanks so much for reading. Please review. Any comments or suggestions you have are welcome. I'm not exactly sure where I want to go with the rest of the story, so any help would be appreciated. You could leave suggestions in the comments or PM me. Thanks again!

God Bless,


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