Part 10: Epilogue

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Elizabeth sat at her small desk, pen in hand. She smiled as she heard her sister, Julie, and Rosemary discussing some trivial item in the kitchen. She could hear Lee and her dear husband Jack talking about the finishing touches on their house. She could barely contain her joy. Her husband. Their house. Life was good. Julie would be leaving later that day, she had arrived only an hour before the wedding had started. It was a pleasant surprise. Jack's mother had left yesterday, wishing them the best. The week since their wedding had been slow. Jack letting Bill handle things. They had decided to wait to a few weeks before going on their honeymoon. She wanted to be there for who students, who would be taking state testing in the coming weeks. It was a small sacrifice and Jack understood. She closed her eyes as she listened to the happy sounds in her small house. Opening them again, she pulled out a piece of paper and set it on her desk.

Dear Mother and Father,

I just wanted to write and tell you that the wedding went well. Jack was the most dashing groom I have ever seen. I only wish that you could have been here. Julie arrived safely, and as this letter will prove, has safely arrived home. Jack and I are very happy. While I know that you have never been particularly fond of Jack, I love him. I truly love him and we are so happy. You should come and visit! Then you could see how much love is in our little town of Hope Valley. I love you all.

Your daughter,

Elizabeth Thornton

She folded the paper putting it in an envelope. She would send it with Julie. She truly hoped that they understood.

"Oh Jack, surely you weren't thinking about returning to work next week!" Rosemary exclaimed, pulling Elizabeth away from her thoughts.

"Well, I..." Jak began to defend himself.

"That would be nonsense!" she interrupted.

"Rosemary," Lee started to interject.

"Oh Lee, surely you understand..." She continued.

Elizabeth smiled as she rose from her desk. Something

Elizabeth smiled, so much had changed, but some things, never would.

The End

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