Chapter 6

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Authors POV

Its another day. Taehyung woke up by the sound of his alarm. Its still 5:00 in the morning but his awake. He don't want to be late on his first day. He get up on his bed and went to his bathroom. After minutes, his done and exited the bathroom. He go to his closet and took his uniform and wear it.

 He go to his closet and took his uniform and wear it

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He get his bag where he pack his clothes. Since his working as a bodyguard, he will stay at the Jeon's. just few of his clothes, because Mrs. Jeon told him last night that he will not be needed a lots of clothes. He went out of his room and went downstairs. He saw his Mom making her way to the kitchen.

"Mama" Taehyung called.

"Tae, you're leaving? Its too early huh?"

"well, I don't wanna be late. Its my first day and my boss has his class today" He replied.

"Heol~ just take care of yourself ok?" His Mom said with worried tone.

"I will Mom. Gotta go Mama. Just tell Jihan hyung and Yonghwa, ok? I love you." he kiss her on forehead and leave the house.


"Young Master! wake up. You have class today!" My maid said while his at the door, knocking.

"Just 5 more minutes!" I yelled.

"But Young Master, your dad said-" I cut him off.

"Ok. Ok. Im up! Jeez" I got up on my bed and walk towards my bathroom. I take a bath and brush my teeth. After I finished everything, I wore my uniform, I comb my hair and spray some perfume.

 After I finished everything, I wore my uniform, I comb my hair and spray some perfume

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I exited my room and went downstairs. I made my way to the dinning area. I saw my Mom and Dad eating breakfast.

"Morning Mom and Dad" I greet.

"Morning Son. C'mere. Sit down and eat your breakfast so you won't be late at school." I take a seat and join them to eat breakfast.

While we were eating, the door bell rang. We have already a guest this early morning? Gosh!. I also noticed that Taehyung is still not here. Wow! What a nice bodyguard he is. I remember he went home last night. One of our maid went to the door to opened it, after a few seconds, She's back.

"Mr. & Mrs. Jeon, Taehyung is already here. He's in the Sala." She said.

"Call him here." My Dad said. Our maid just bowed and went back to the sala to call Taehyung. I just continued eating.

"Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Jeon. Good Morning Young Master." He greeted.

I look up at him and, Oh my gaaaawd! Did god sent an Angel here? He's too, beautiful with his Uniform.

"Morning Taehyung. Have a seat and eat some breakfast." My dad said.

"Oh, Its ok Mr. Jeon. I already eat at the house. Thank you for the offer." He replied and Smile. 'That smile. Gawd!'

"Mom, Dad! I need to go. Im going to be late. Bye!" I got up on my seat and made my way to the door and exit the house. I went to the garage and was about to open the car door, but someone already opened it.

"Young Master, I am going to drive you to your school." Taehyung said while opening the passenger seat.

"No! I know how to drive. Just sit there and let me drive." I replied.

"its your father's order, Young Master. Now get in here if you don't want to be late. I just rolled my eyes and went to the right side of the car.

-Time Skip-

After our argument on the garage, Were on our way to school. Taehyung was the one whose driving. I just keep on looking at him.

"Is there any problem, Young Master?" He asked. Wow! The confident on his voice was too obvious.

"Nothing. I just notice you have a 'cute' mole on your nose." I replied still looking at him.

Promise, I just saw something pink on his cheeks. Is he blushing? Awww, too cute.

"W-where h-here" He said and unbuckled his seat belt and went out of the car. He went to my side and open the door. I look at him but his looking down. Aww, where's the Confident Taehyung that I encountered earlier?

I started walking and notice someone following me, I look around and saw Taehyung.

"What do you think your doing?" I ask.

"U-uh, following you?" He replied. More on in a question tone.

"I know. But why?"

"Because, Im your bodyguard?" Aish! I knew it. This is why I hate having a bodyguard.

"Listen here, you don't have to follow me in my class. There's no one inside there that going to kidnapped, kill me or whatever it is." I said with an annoyed tone.

"But its your fathers order to follow you everywhere you go. Just for your safety Young Master." He replied.

"Please, ok? Just, don't follow me. Just stay here or go wherever you want. Ok? Please." And then I left him there, dumd founded.

Gosh! Even though his pretty cute, I didn't know he can be that annoying.

Bad kook 😕
Hi! 😄💜


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