Chapter 15

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Author's POV

Taehyung rush to the hospital where his mother told him. He leave kookie at his room making sure he can go out.

Taehyung stop a taxi and made hia way to the hospital. After a half hour of ride, he made arrive at the hospital.

Taehyung's POV

"Nurse? Is there a patient name Kim Yonghwa?" I asked the nurse. Tears falls down on my cheek nonstop.

"Yes sir. Its in the room 143" said the nurse. I said thank you to her and rush to the room number he told me. I arrived at the room and open the door, slowly. When I fully open the door and enter the room, my heart shattered into pieces when I saw my younger brother lying in the hospital bed.

"Taehyung" my Mom said when she saw me. He stand up and walks towards me and hug me tighter while crying. I hug her back, also crying. I let go of my Mom and went to Yonghwa, peacefully sleeping.

"Mom, w-what happened?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of Yonghwa.

"He was just playing in the backyard with his friends. I called him for how many times but his not answering. I just thought h was just busy playing, but suddenly one of his friends barged in and said Yonghwa f-fainted." she said while she was crying. I can't hold on to my tears and burst out into cry again.

"What did t-the d-doctor said?"

"H-he's heart is weak." She answered. I just cried hard and hold onto Yonghwa's hand, tightly. I felt his hand tighten his hold onto mine. I open my eyes and saw him trying to open his eyes, slowly.

"" He said and smiled at me wickly. My heart shattered into pieces. I can't takeit seeing him like this.

"Baby bro, How a-are y-ou?" I asked him. He was trying to let go of his hand on mine so I let to go. He put his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears, but my tears just fall down like it didn't want to stop.

", why a-awe you"

I j-just missed you so much, baby bro." I said between my sobs.

"I m-miss y-you too, hyung" he smiled. He was trying to got up but I stop him. I said that he need to take a rest and he listen to me, so he just fell asleep. I excuse myself from my mom and walk out the room. When I was out of the room, I walk through the bathroom and continued to cry there.

I don't know what to do. I just love my brother so much. I dont know what to do if he will leave us. Please, dont take him away from us.


Its already 8pm and my parents are still not home. I have done eating my dinner, alone at the dinning area. i was currently at the living room, watching TV. I didn't saw Taehyung, he's still not going out to his room.

"Mina!" I called out. She came to the living room.

"Yes, young master?"

"Where's Taehyung?" I asked.

"I-I don't know young master. But, I saw him that he went out of the house." She explained. Wow! He didn't even ask permission if he can go out of this house? Gosh!

"Ok!" She go back to the Kitchen and went back to his work. I decided to call Taehyung and ask where on earth he did go at this time. Aish~

I called and called him but he didn't answer my calls. Gosh! Where did he go? And why he didn't answer my calls? This annoying bodyguard of mine.

I turn off thr TV and went back to my room. I lay on my bed and started to play on my phone.

After a minute I got bored and try to call Taehyung again. I hope this time he will answer. It ring 3 times and thankfully, he answered, finally.

Tae- bold
JK- normal

"Yah! Where are you? Why didn't-----"

"Im s-sorry, young m-master. Its an e-emergency"

I notice his voice. he's crying.

"Are you crying? What happened?" I ask, worriedly. He didn't answered. I just heard he cried harder. My heart hurt when I hears it. I want to comfort him, hug him and says sweet words to him.

"Hey, Taehyung calm down" I continued.

"I-im sorr-ry young master." I heard him sobing.

"tell me where are you? And why arr you crying? What happened?"

"No! Im on m-my way home young mast-ter. I will tell you when I got home. Bye." Then he hung up. I just sigh and put my phone on my night stand.

I went back down to the living room and wait for Tae to come home.

Drama ramaaaaa 😄✌


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