Chapter 9

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"Huh! Not so fast, my child" He said. he grab my other wrist and turn me around. Now, were face to face. He let go of my hand and I was about to tuckled him, but I got shooked with the next thing he did.


"OMGGGG. YOU'RE SO CUUUUUUTE!" The man squelled and pinched my cheek. ouch!

"Yah!" I push his hand off of me and started rubbing cheeks. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh! Sorry, Im Kim SeokJin. You can call me Jin or Eomma" he said.

"Eomma? But you're a Man. Gosh!"

"Hey! Don't be rude. Anyways, Whats your name and what are you doing here? You should be on your class"

"Well, Im not studying here. Im bodyguard of some student here and Im Taehyung"

"Well, cutie. You're not allowed to play here unless your one of the Varsity players here in school. C'mon lets get outta here." He said. He grabbed my hand but I pulled it.

We're heading out the basketball court. I don't know where we were going. After a long walk, I realized that we are in the back of the school and there I saw a beautiful graden.

"Wow!" I commented.

"I know its beautiful." He said and chuckled. He went to a bench and I follow him. We sat there watching does butterflies flying, others some staying at the top of the flowers. We sat there in silence, until I broke it.

"Hey, U-uhm. Why are we here? And you don't have class? The bell already rang right?" I asked him.

"Well, Im the school president in this school. I just look around the campus to see if there are still students staying everywhere because the bell rang already. And, I have other works at the office, but I saw you." He looked at me and pinched my nose again. "You're so cute. I can't believe your a bodyguard" he said then laugh.

"Heol~ everytime I said, that Im a bodyguard, people just stared at in disbelief. I just don't why." I chuckled.

"Because your cute." We just laugh. We just talk and talk. We get to know each other already. He also told me that he had crush on someone here in this school. I also told him that Jungkook is my boss and what a coincidence, they're friend. Just wow! We really enjoyed ecah others company that we didn't even noticed the time. We just heard the bell rang. Meaning the class ended.

"Waah! I need to go back to the car, eomma. Its already time. Jungkook will get mad if Im not there." Yes, I agreed to call him eomma he told so, and he didn't stop whinning.

"Ok. Remember, just don't get undered by Jeon." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Ok. Lets go. Lets just walk together.

We stand up and exited the garden. Before I go to the parking area, Jin eomma asked me if I can go with him at his office because he was going to get his bag and his car key.

After he get it, we went to the parking lot and saw Jungkook who look at us with anger. Omg!


Where the fudge (cuz I don't like cursing. Sorry. Haha) is that annoying bodyguard. My god! I don't like waiting. Aish!

After 10mins. of waiting, I saw him with Jin hyung. Why is he with Jin hyung? Huh, such a slut.

"Taehyung! Where did you go? Yiu know I don't like waiting and why are you with Jin? " I said with anger. He just looked at me, shooked with my sudden burst out!

"Manners young man. And calm down. We just stayed at the garden because I saw at the basketball court because his bored that's why Im with him." Jin hyung explained.

"Tch! Let's go Taehyung, I want to go home Im tired. Jin hyung, were going. Bye!" I said and entered the car. Taehyung waved at Jin hyung and also entered the car. He started the engine and drive.

"I told you that you can go wherever you want but you just stayed at school," I said breaking the silence.

"I have no plan on going to somewhere." He replied. Not looking at me. I just clicked my tongue on my inner cheek. Habit of mine when I want to calm myself or im jealous.

While on our way to the house, a group of teen suddenly blocked our way. The fudge! What's there problem? I was about to oepn the door when Taehyung stopped me.

"Stay here. I'll take care of this Young Master." He said and went out of the car. I can't hear there conversation, so I just wach them.

Suddenly the man started to punch Taehyung. He got stumbled on the ground but he got up fast. He punched the guy who punched him. I just watch them with wide eyes. Aither boy tried to punch Taehyubg but Taehyung fas enough to catch his hand. He twisted the boy's hand and then push him down.

Taehyung punch also the third boy but he didn't notice the boy he pusehd down that getting up. I get out of the car. He was about to punch Taehyung but I already caught him. I push him on the ground and he stumbled again. Yes, Im playboy or what so ever but I have no idea how to fight, ok?

The boy got up again and punch me. Ouch! I stumbled at ground. He walked towards me and hold on the collar of my uniform. He got me up and tried to punch me in the stomach and at my face but Taehyung is fast as like a thunder.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted and walk towards us. He punch the boy on the face. "Get in the car Young master! We need to get outta here." He said while glaring at me. I go back to the car and also Taehyung. He started the car and drive again on our way to the Mansion with silence.



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