love travelling

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I woke up with a pulsing head ache and a person’s arm wrapped around me. I could easily tell that it was Shane from the hairy arms. I tried to wake him up but no sound came out. My mouth was completely dry. I tried to recall what had happened last night, but blanked out after the third tequila shot I remember taking. I looked down and realized that Shane and I were naked! Shit. I got up off the bed only to fall back down because of a sharp pain on my ass. I’m guessing from the night before. I put on my boxers and went to check if anyone else was here. When I reached for the door I realized that it was locked. Had it been locked all night? Hopefully. I looked back at Shane and decided to make breakfast for him. I went down the stairs slowly, wincing at each step because fuck my ass hurt. I saw a note on the counter top.

“Everyone left at like 4 am I think, I tried to tell you where I was going but your door was locked. I don’t know where Shane went but I didn’t see him in his room. I’m going over to a girl’s house so I probably won’t be back till tomorrow; call me if you need anything.


I let out a huge sigh of relief.  At least no one knew about Shane and I. once I got to the kitchen I chugged an entire bottle of water and looked in the fridge for something to make.

Joey: eggyanyas it is!


I was woken up by my alarm expecting Joey to be in my arms, but he wasn’t. I smiled remembering that we’re going to be heading out to Hawaii today. Then I remembered that Sawyer was coming too. Fuck. I put on pajama pants and decided to go down stairs to tell Joey the surprise. There was a delicious scent of eggs. Of course he would. I tried to go down the stairs as quietly as possible. Once I was in the kitchen, I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his hips.

Joey: AHH! Oh my gawwrsh Shane don’t do that! I almost dropped our eggs!

Shane: sorry joey-bear, buuuuut I have a surprise for you!

I kissed his cheek, and suddenly his face lit up. He’s so adorable.

Joey: what is it!?

He was now bouncing like an excited five year old. I laughed at him as I grabbed his hand and lead him to the computer room. I showed him the screen where it showed the purchased tickets and he was speechless.

Joey: AHHHHHHH! Shane are we actually going?? Oh my god!!! Ahh! I can’t believe this! You’re the best!

Shane: ahaha, happy birthday baby<3

Joey: I love you sooooo much

He attacked my mouth with small pecks. I was barely able to respond to him.

Shane: I – love – you – too.

We were interrupted by the sound of the smoke alarm. We both rushed to the kitchen to find a pile of burnt eggs.

Joey: oh no! I need my breakfast!

He crossed his arms and pouted. He is unbelievably cute. Just then I realized that there was someone missing.

Shane: hey babe, where’s Sawyer?

Joey: he’s over at some girl’s house, why?

Shane: he’s supposed to come with us.

Joey: Really?

He looked really disappointed; he could tell that I was too. Still, I decided to call sawyer.

*Calls Sawyer*

Shane: hey man, I thought you were coming with me and joey today?

Sawyer: yeah, uhh I got a change of plans. I think I wanna stay in LA; I have a bunch of work to do.

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