Coming out

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Joey’s POV

After Sawyer moved in with Connor, Shane and I decided to move to a small house to ourselves. It wasn’t too small though, we had three rooms, the other two being our work rooms and a spaced out living room surrounded by glass walls. Our backyard sat on a cliff that held our pool and hot tub. I guess our house classifies as a bachelor pad except neither of us are actually bachelors. We finished getting settled last week and today we’re having our house warming party. It’s also the day we come out to our friends and subscribers.

Shane was out getting food and drinks for tonight while I decorated the living room. Although, now that I think about it I probably should’ve gotten the food myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back with Twinkies and yoo-hoos and no alcohol what so ever. I stepped back and admired the set up. Fuck. I should really get in to interior decorating. To celebrate my brilliant work I put on some music on the stereo and danced around the house. Did I mention that I’m really good at shaking my hips? I admired my dancing in the mirror.

Joey: Oh mah goodness gracianious look at that booty go.

???: That’s exactly what I was thinking.

I turned around and saw Shane holding up a camera and laughing his ass off. Shit, he saw me dancing. He turned to the camera and made a weird face and then put it away.

Joey: What the frig; I didn’t even hear the door open!

Shane: That’s because your music is so damn loud


He shook his head at me and walked past the door to get to the kitchen. I was curious to what he actually got. To my surprise he got normal food. Not any of those fatty, sugary foods that he eats. He didn’t get alcohol though, typical. Doesn’t matter, I’ll just get Tyler to buy me some. The music was still blaring so I continued my dancing while Shane admired my decorating skills.

Joey: Looks good right?

Shane: It looks fantastic!

He grabbed my hips and danced along with me.  We felt like little kids, it was nice to have it like this for once. Shane has been so busy lately with his book and promoting Not Cool and all these work stuff that we hadn’t had time to just relax and be with each other. The song ended and a new song came on. Shane immediately recognized the song and started to sing along.

(Before going any further go to then keep reading ;))

Shane: Ah what cha doing


You know I'm coming over right

He gripped me closer to his body and grinded against me.

Shane: (now baby tell what you wanna do with me)

Now you got it hot for me already baby


I'll be there in about uh, give me ten minutes

Be ready


Wear that little thing I like

He took his hands and roamed it all over my body while we continued dancing to the song. He left soft kisses while circling me and grinding against me. Then the chorus came and Shane pushed me down on to our couch and started to undress for me while still dancing.

Shane: Let me take you to a place nice and quiet

There ain't no one there to interrupt

Ain't gotta rush

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