Boy's First Crush

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I woke up to a low snoring sound and an arm draped across my chest. I opened my eyes to see Shane, peacefully sleeping. I checked the time to see that it was already 12:30! Of course he would be sleeping. Only Shane could get jet-lagged this easily. We had just gotten back from Hawaii last night so I would understand if he was still exhausted. Come to think about it, I was pretty tired too. I tried to go back to sleep by nuzzling myself on to Shane’s bare chest. After a few minutes of having my eyes close I decided that it’s too late for me to go back to sleep and so I got dressed and went to the kitchen for food. I searched for Sawyer but then remembered that he left to his film set in Vegas three days ago. I made a protein shake and an egg white omelet, then made some bacon and toast for Shane. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as I was finishing frying the bacon. Just then, I felt two muscular arms snake around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder. I heard Shane’s raspy morning voice greeting me.

Shane: Good morning angel.

Joey: Good morning babe

Shane: Are you still in pain from … the plane ride?

Joey: what do you mean?

Suddenly I remembered what we did on the plane ride back to Los Angeles. I swear they shouldn’t even let us in to planes anymore I’m pretty sure Shane’s developed some type of fetish from riding on a plane or something.

Joey: oh wait, I remember. No I think I’m fine now… round two maybe?


Joey: oh wait, I remember. No I think I’m fine now… round two maybe?

I was shocked with Joey’s response. I knew I turned him dirty, but I mean… wow.

Shane: Joey! How about we do something cute today instead of trying to quench your thirsty little ass. Pun intended. ;)

I laughed at my own joke and Joey stood there in shock. He made mocking noises at me and then turned around to place a few bacon strips on to a plate and then handed it to me. I followed him to our dining room table and put down our plates, but before he was able to sit down I grabbed his hips and turned him around to face me. I left small pecks on his lips as I spoke to him.

Shane: You know – we – rarely – go – on – dates. Do – you – maybe – want – to go – to – dinner – tonight?

He pulled us apart and looked at me. He once again looked surprised, but in a good way this time. He finally smiled, stepped closer to me, placed one of his hands on my chest and kissed me. He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

Joey: I would love to.

We sat down to eat our breakfast. He talked about how excited he was for a cosplay event that he was going to and I listened while making terrible puns. Puns that only someone who really loved you could laugh at. It felt nice to hear Joey laugh at even the worst ones. I admired him from across the table while he continued to tell me about his plans. He noticed that I was staring and grabbed my hand from across the table. I felt my cheeks redden. Even after all this time, even if I’ve been exposed to him in the most personal ways, simple touches like this could still make me feel like a brand new lover. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for Joey.


I continued on with my random babbling when I saw that Shane was staring at me. Not in a creepy way, but I felt like I was the only thing that he can see at that moment. He tried his best to look interested with what I was telling him, but I knew he had no idea of what I was talking about. He would make awful jokes and I would laugh at them like it was the very first joke I ever heard, repeating the words that I found hilarious.  God, I just love him so much.

Joey: hey guess what?

Shane: Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant.

I chuckled at him. He pretended to have a concerned face and leaned in to the table to emphasize his worried face. I rose up from my chair and held his chin.

Joey: I love you.

I kissed him. Lightly at first and then the kiss grew intense. I felt butterflies in my stomach and heard fireworks popping next to my ears. EW I know I sound gross right now… I’m so ashamed that Shane’s turned me in to this type of mush. I pulled away and we cleaned up the kitchen. Shane was washing the dishes with soap when he stopped suddenly and looked at me.

Shane: I love you too.

He leaned in closer to me and I thought we were going to kiss, but then I felt soap start dripping down my face. This motherfucker. I looked at him then felt the top of my head. Sure enough there was a large pile of bubbles resting on top of it.  He was laughing loudly at the annoyed look on my face so he didn’t notice me taking the soap and throwing it at his face. I laughed at him and then ran to the stairs to go upstairs. But before I could reach the first step, I felt a hand grab my wrist and turn me around. Shane tried tackling me and we both fell on the floor laughing. We were lying down on the first few steps of the stairs when he straddled me and pinned my shoulders down. He looked at me and then quickly leaned down to kiss me. In spite of his soapy face I still enjoyed it. I was getting really in to it but Shane pulled away and walked back to the kitchen.

Joey: Where are you going?

Shane: I still have dishes to wash dumdum!

Shane stuck his head from the kitchen and looked back at me. He made kissy faces and I pretended to look mad at him. I crossed my arms and made an over dramatic grunting noise. He then made a sad face and I responded with a bitchy face. We’re grown men I promise!


I finished washing the dishes and went to make a reservation at Joey’s favourite restaurant. We still had a few hours to waste so we decided to make some collab videos with each other. I tweeted out that #Shoey was back and people went crazy. If only they knew half the things that have already happened between me and Joey.  After filming the omegle videos we got ready for going to dinner. It was at some fancy restaurant so we both had to dress up. I wore a dark blue button down with different colored dots all over it, some dark skinny jeans and a red beanie.  I went to his room to see if he was finished getting ready, but before I could reach the handle, the door opened. I was in awe, even if I see him every day. He wore a white button down and red skinny jeans. His hair was messy but in the rugged kind of way.  He smiled at me and began making dramatic poses.

Joey: How do I look?

Shane: Breath taking.

We arrived just in time for our reservations and sat down to eat. We made a deal to put both our phones in the middle of our table and whoever picks it up has to pay for dinner. We both thought it was going to be difficult, but as the night continued on we couldn’t be bothered by our phones. We talked and laughed and shared even more secrets that we never knew about each other. This was truly the perfect night. By the end of dinner, neither of us lost but I insisted on paying for the dinner. We got in to Joey’s car and began to drive home. He took one hand off of the steering wheel and placed it on top of my hand.

Joey: Today was wonderful Shane.

Shane: I’m glad you think so.

We sat in silence, just smiling at ourselves. Once in a while we would look over at each other and just chuckle. Neither of us said anything but looking at each other just made us both feel giddy, like a boy’s first crush.

Now, once we get home we both had one plan in mind. I’m going to strip Joey naked and fuck him raw.


To be continued… ;)


So that was the first non-smutty scene, how was it? :$ I’m probably not gonna write much of these but it’s still nice to have them in once in a while right? Anyways tell me what you think! J

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