The Accusation.

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Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.
-Niccolo Machiavelli.


21st December 2003.

Trial Room.

Captain Do you deny that you were the Only one present at the murder scene.
Do you deny these papers, that were found in your quarters??
These papers, which are a part of a very confidential Red box, a Red box which is officially sealed. How do you explain the existence of these papers outside that Red box??
You were supposed to be protecting nulear triggers at your posting.
I am extremely extremely dissapointed to tell the court, that not only are those triggers missing, along with, ofcourse the captain's access card, but also that, the captain has no idea what happened to them, or so he claims.
That isn't the truth is it captain?
Will you please tell the court to whom and for how much did you sell our country's liberty?

Gasps are heard in the courtroom, worried whispers start to surface.

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