As Many Times As You Wish.

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(In his room, Naina and Dr Shalini are sitting, he is at the counter, drinking water.)

Raj (turning to them)
"I...owe you guys an explanation, I think, about that day, esp you, Naina."

He did not need to elaborate, which day. Both understood.

Raj : "I would prefer if....this remains till you both, but if you do wish to tell anyone, I wouldn't stop you."

He took a deep breath.
Then explained breifly about Lala Gehlot, about his embezzlement of his company funds, about his idea of marrying Naina, so he could will his company to her, in case he died and Lala was not caught.

Naina and Shalini sat there stunned, never having imagined in their wildest dreams, of such a possibility.

It was Shalini who recovered from the shock first.

Shalini : "But Captain, why not simply...will it to her...or gift her?"

Raj :

"If I died, leaving Naina everything, without her being my spouse, a large percentage would go to the goverment as gift tax.
This would be okay, under normal circumstances, but then, the usage of this money would again be in the hands of guessed it...Gehlot.
He was....too powerful.
I did not want any money to fall in his hands, any more.
And there was the advantage of spousal privilege by law.
Naina wouldn't have to answer a load of questions in court, she would be excused....on account of her being my.....wife.

Naina's heart skipped a beat, at his last words.
His wife.

He sat down on the sofa, opposite to them, a sadness evident in his eyes, at the remembrance of someone whom he had respected, trusted so much.

He looked at Naina.
"I...had..originally intended the event that...I wouldn' it, (he winked, to lighten the atmosphere), you would be able to annul this...if you wanted.
The company would still be in your name."

He fell silent.
They sat in silence, for a few moments, then finally, Shalini got up.

Shalini : "Captain, I think I have heard what is enough for me, whatever happens of this matter, after this, should be between you two...I think.
So, I'l take your leave.
And...your secret is safe with me."
Saying this, she smiled.

Raj : (seriously) "Thanks doc....for...everything."

Shalini nodded, then left.

Raj closed the door.

Naina was still sitting where she was, still stunned.

Raj came to her, sat on his knees in front of her, took her hand in his.
That jolted her to to reality.

Naina: "Sir..."
Raj : "Naina..."

Both stopped.
Naina : "Aap kahiye..."
Raj :" sorry."

She looked at him, wonder in her eyes.
Naina (softly) :" Kisliye?"
Raj : "To have had you...burdened with...all this. me I..."

He couldn't complete his sentence, as Naina had put her hand over his mouth.

Naina (softly) :
"You don't need to say sorry to me, for turning to me...trusting me..when you most needed someone."

Raj looked up at her, then, unable to help himself, went next to her, and pulled her in a tight embrace, one of gratitude.

Naina (voice muffled, face buried in his arms) : Sir...ek baat puchu?

Raj : hmmmm (he was playing with her hair).

Naina (Softly, separating herself slightly) : Did me, when you ...asked me to marry you...that day?

Raj left her a little, and looked at her.

I loved you since that mentorship programme. He said, seriously, continuing to play with her hair.

Naina however, was sitting stunned.

So much had happened after that mentorship programme.

She had faced so much, and so had he.
A lot was making sense to her, what previously had not.
She had shot him, was that one of the reason he was willing to give up his life so flippantly?
Maybe because he felt that she would never completely forgive him?

That thought made her suddenly hug him tightly, afraid to let go .
This sudden movement surprised him.

Raj : Naina....tum..thik to ho?
Tumhe...bura to nahi
I...I swear I never...

Naina hugged him tighter.

Naina : (Her voice breaking) : I am sorry...for not trusting you...for being rude to you...for...for shooting you...
She broke down.

Raj kept patting her back, caressing her hair.

Raj : Naina....bas...

After a while, Raj separated and kissed her forehead, then wiped her tears.

He could see she was jittery by his nearness.
But then, she wasn't trying to put any distance between them.

He came closer, his eyes on her lips, till he was just a hair's breath away from her.

She had closed her eyes in nervousness, her hands were clutching his collar.

Nainaa...he whispered.
She opened her eyes slowly.

His eyes locked on to hers, looking for her consent, and finding it, his hand went to her neck, steadying her face, as his lips claimed hers, in a kiss that was hesitant at first, but soon became dominating, him pulling her closer, claiming her lips harder, while she gave herself up, willingly.

He left her after a while, breathless and lips swollen, still in the shock of her first kiss, as his eyes found her shy ones, a mischievous grin comming to his face, a blushing smile to hers.

Raj : Marry me.
He said it not like a question or a request or an order, but like a statement.
Like something that is preordained.
Meant to be.

Naina (softly, but a twinkle in her eyes) : As many times as you wish.

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