Vmin Pt 6 //Jimins pov

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//Sorry for not posting in a while,I've been vv busy\\

The ending of a perfect year with a perfect person. If I had to describe my first year with Tae in one word,the word would be Supercalifagilisticexpialidosios. There's no real word to describe the great time I've had with Tae.

We decided that I'd be spending the summer at his house with his family for two reasons. One: I didn't want to go home because my mother is disappointed in me. And two: I don't want to part from Tae for more than a minute. How could I last the whole summer?

I was so scared to meet Taes parents. What if they don't like me? What if they all hate me? What if I lose Tae because of it?

As we were packing I asked if Taes parents were nice. He said they're very nice. I'm scared they won't like me,so I asked if he thinks they'll like me. He didn't give a direct answer,but he told me he'll always love me. He turned around and grabbed my hands. I looked at him for a second and kissed him with bliss in my heart.

We packed all the stuff in my car and started driving. Tae called his mom to tell her we're on our way. I'll be driving the first three hours,then Tae.

After my first three hours,we stopped to eat. We went to Olive Garden. The place we ate for the first time together,the place where my life was changed forever.

After we ordered I told Tae about how I almost didn't get into college and almost didn't meet the love of my life. The man that brings me so much joy in my life and pure happiness. I love him to death. He means the world to me.

I remember the first time I saw him. Walking into the lobby of my dorm building,seeing him and feeling my heart drop,then wrapping my arms around him for the first time. I'm so in love with this man I can't even put it into words.

We ate and left. He drove for the next three hours and I laid on his shoulder completely content with life. We got to his house and I had so many butterflies I couldn't even breathe right. We walked to his parents door and my heart was beating out of my chest. They came to the door and...

//I'll try and write more often,If yall start wanting the next part,just spam my messages and I'll write it pff\\

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