And I Thought I Was Crazy

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Zayn’s POV

I stare blankly at the tinted black window of the car the lads and I were riding on, thinking about her.

“Zayn, why are you glaring at the window? It has done nothing wrong to you!” Louis says, while the others laugh silently.

“He’s in deep thought, Lou” Liam says. Well, at least one of them gets me.

“I bet it’s about that girl, Amidala” Louis says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“Shut your trap Lou” I say, covering my face to hide the blush that was tinting my cheeks.

“Zayny has an itty-bitty crush!” Harry says, pretending to squeal like a five year old little girl. All the lads burst out laughing, except for me of course. I gave them all a death glare, and they shut up.

“Don’t worry Zayn, Amidala looks perfect for you” Niall says, giving me a small smile. Niall, the one who laughed at any joke that he hears or does crazy things had always been the reassuring one.

“Thanks Nialler” I say, giving him a bro hug.

“HEY! What about me, Zayn?” Louis asks, faking a sob.

“I’ll leave you be my dear friend Lou- Lou” I say, making Louis humph and Niall to burst out laughing. The van was once again filled with utter silence, except for the occasional sound of Harry tapping rapidly on to his IPhone, probably tweeting something.

I can’t stop thinking about her; she’s gorgeous with her slightly wavy dark brown hair and honey coloured eyes that light up when she smiles. Gods, I’ve only her for what—an hour or two but I feel like there’s something different about her, in a good way I mean. Not like those snotty girls that I used to go to school with. I wonder how old Amidala is? Gods Zayn get a hold of yourself! 

It was Paul who snapped me out of my reverie. He said we had arrived at our destination. Oh well, I can’t wait to see Amidala tomorrow morning. For now, I will be contented with just dreaming about her.

Amidala’s POV

“Holy cow! I totally didn’t see this coming! Mom, why didn’t you tell me those guys were One Direction?” I say kind of disappointed.

“Since when did you, Amidala Gabrielle ever be interested in our jobs?” mom says, while smirking.

“Never really, it’s just I promised Carissa I would get her their signatures if I ever met them in person” I say while shrugging, the smirk on mom’s face disappeared. I’m guessing she thought I had a crush on one of them; so that she could set me up a date then practically get me an arranged marriage. Mom, overreact sometimes.

“Am-Am I need you to do the dishes? If that’s alright with you honey?” mom asks me. I nod my head, signalling yes. I piled the plates and set them on the sink, scrubbing the dirt of with some soap. Mom popped up from behind me, which almost gave me a heart attack. I held on to my heart as I turned to face her. She had a silly grin plastered on her face. Uh-oh, this is not good. The last time mom had that smile, she set the bathroom on fire with nothing but lotion and toothpaste! Who does that?

“Yes mom?” I say, putting a tight smile. I bet mom ate to much sugar earlier.

“Honey, what do you think of Zayn Malik?” she asks, putting on a million watt smile.

“Umm, he’s alright. Cute but definitely not my type” I say.

“Good, now I must make arrangements for you guys to have a date” mom says pressing a kiss to my forehead, and with that she left the room. I smacked my head with my hand. I should have not said Zayn was cute! Amidala, what’s wrong with you!

You know her is cute, Ami.

Shut up, Zayn is nothing near cute he’s an insufferable prat!

Deny, deny and deny it sounds a lot like lie, lie, and lie. Now keep calm and fall in love with Zayn.

I blocked out all my thoughts and continued my washing of dishes. I wiped my hand on the hand cloth when I finished and went to grab my, for a quick phone call.

Ring!!! Ring!!!

“Hello?” the voice in the other end says.

“Hey Carissa, what you up to, today?” I ask her.

“I’m off to meet Andrea, Francheska and GG, want to come, dude?” Carissa says.

“See you in a few?”


A/N: Heeyy I posted another chap!





~ Glazed Doughnuts

The Other Side Of The Door (A Zayn Malik/ One Direction Fic)Where stories live. Discover now