First Day of School...Again

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A/N: Hey sugars!!! So, I'm back on the Fanfiction List #202 babes! Thanks a bunch. I'm thinking of going British the whole day :)


Chapter 11:

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock ringing fiercely. I pushed the snooze button and went back to sleep. There was a knock on my door and I groaned in response. The door flew open and revealed my mother, who was smiling brightly. This is bad.

Suddenly I felt really cold and I realized she threw the covers off me.

"Mom!!" I groan loudly.

"Don't "mom" me Amidala, I got a message from Harry telling me you were with Zayn yesterday. How was he? Are you together. Oh my god my baby girl is growing up!!!" my mom squeals in delight. See my friends, this is my mother A weird one who yells at six in the morning asking me about the guy who drove me home last night.

"Mom, we're not together. I don't like him that way" I mumble, my voice muffled by the pillow I was hiding my face in.  That's a lie, I bet you want to be more than friends Amidala.

I brushed that thought away and tried to block out mom's rant about wedding plans. Seriously? Normal parents would be lecturing their kids about being home late w\especially with a guy. But no! Instead she's here gushing about Zayn driving me home. I roll my eyes and jump off my bed. I didn't want to continue listening to my mother's nonsense rant.

I take a quick shower and throw on a yellow flowy blouse and some white jeans. I leave my room, pulling on my black ankle length boots.I munch on the bacon and eggs the cook Celia had made me. I sipped on the orange juice and walk outside ready to see my baby. I laid my eyes on the empty spot in the garage and suddenly memories of yesterday afternoon flooded my head. Holy cow! I left my car in Hyde Park! Oh my goodness, how the hell do I go to school? Without my car? My parents had already left and I doubt the school bus even passes here.

I groaned in frustration and slumped to the ground. How could I forget? I unlocked my phone and saw a text message from an unknown number. I tap the message icon and the message read.

Suddenly remember you left your car? I'll pick you up in three minutes ~ You Know Who

The message made me giggle. It was obviously Zayn who texted but how in Merlin's sake did her get my number? I shrug my shoulders just as I see an unfamiliar silver Lexus round the corner of my street. It stopped right in front of me and the window rolled down revealing a grinning Andrea in the driver's seat and Harry sitting on the passenger's seat. I was wrong then.

"Get your skinny arse in the car. You're running late for school" Harry says while smirking. I slide into the backseat but not before slapping Harry over the head for his comment. He was rubbing his head while Andrea zoomed off going at a really fast speed for someone like her.

"Who of you sent me the message?" I ask the two and Andrea points at Harry.

"You didn't strike me as a person who reads Harry Potter Styles" I comment and he scoffs.

"I'll have you know that I'm the biggest Harry Potter fan in the world" he boasts and I roll my eyes.

"So, what's the name of the Half-Blood Prince?" I ask him innocently. He glances nervously at Andrea and she just grins evilly.

"Yeah, who is he Harold?" Andrea asks, smiling, her voice sickly-sweet.

"That's easy the prat's name is Serellus Snake" Harry says proudly and Andrea and I promptly burst out laughing so hard that my laugh was already silent.

"H-Harry you dumbnut! It's Severus Snape not Serellus Snake!!" Andrea half-yells, still giggling while Harry huffed.

"Whatever you girls are such dorks" he mutters.

"Say that again and I will slap you silly." Andrea says giving Harry a death glare and he flinches. When Andrea's angry, it's really that bad.

"Hey Andy" I say

"Hmm?" she mumbles, keeping her on the road.

"Don't you have class too? I mean we're the same age if I remember so clearly." I say and she cracks a grin which I see from the mirror.

"No classes today" she says nonchalantly. I nod my head and lean back into the comfortable leather seats.

"And Harry, why did you go to my school yesterday?"  I ask him pointedly. Don't tell me he was just there to meddle around.

"Actually I was going to tell you something but it slipped my mind" he says and he hands me a white envelope.

"Kindly give that to your father, it's from the management" he says seriously and I nod my head.

"Thanks love"  he replies, giving me a cheeky smile. We were almost near the school and I glanced at the two in front of me and I saw Harry staring longingly at Andrea as she drove. Is Harry Styles..? Oh my glob he does! 

We arrive at the school and I pull Harry out of the car with me.

"This will only take a sec Andy" I say and she nods her head, and cranks the radio louder playing Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low ( A/N: song at the side)

"What's wrong Amidala?" Harry says worriedly.

"I know your secret" I say mysteriously and Harry's eyebrows scrunch up together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asks me.

"You like Andrea" I whisper in his ear and he stiffens.

"N-no I don't" he stutters in reply and I grin at him.

"I saw you staring at her in the car" I tell him and his shoulders sag. 

"Please don't tell her" he pleads and I raise my hand  and give him a salute.

"Yes sir."I reply seriously and he envelopes me in a brotherly hug.

"Thank you" he whispers and I nod my head as he walks back to the car, where Andrea was waiting.

"Good luck on your first day of school..again!" Andrea yells and then she drives away leaving me alone in the school. God I am so dreading today.

I walk slowly to my first class which was homeroom and sat in a seat in front, staying as far away as I could from Jordan. For some weird reason, Zayn's words stuck in my head. The rest of the day turned out fine and I made a few acquaintances and so far no enemies..yet. Jordan kept trying to speak to me and I brushed him off in all his attempts. I know, I seem really mean and bitchy and Jordan may seem like a really nice guy but at the pit of my stomach I think there was more to that than what he seems to be.

I was walking out of the school when I flier hit me in the face. I pulled it off and read the contents.

Under The Limelight

Do you Love Music?

Are You a Singer?

Have you got what it takes to be in the 2012 Sing-Off Contest held here in Allistair?

Contact These Numbers For more Information.

Below there numbers listed down. This was a chance of a lifetime.  I loved singing with my heart. My mom used to sing to me when I was smaller. She enrolled me in classes and until now, I love practicing. I sighed and put the flier into my pocket.

I was always shy with my singing talent. I didn't even tell my best friends about it. I waited until a familiar black BMW stopped in front of me. I open the door and see the boy who CONSTANTLY filled my thoughts today.



asdfghjkl;: Little Things (sigh).

I know this isn't my best chapter, that's why I need your feedback.

Andrea/Harry forever!!!!

Who do you think should play Andrea? I need your suggestions guys.

~Cheerio! Carissa :-* 

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