New School, New Life

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A/N: Here's your awaited chapter!!! Got inspired with MC Hammer's Cant Touch This (Video at the Side)

I drove to my school with MC Hammer's Can't Touch This blasting off my car's stereo. People were giving me weird looks but I ignored them. I was going to start a new life in this school except without my disguise and my fake identity. I park my car in the school's parking lot and turn off the engine. I was starting school today so of course I would be nervous!

I lean against the leathery cushion of the driver's seat and sigh.Gotta face your fears,Amidala. I get out of the car and take a look at the school. The walls were a clean plain white, the front was with green grass and a few teenagers strewn across the lawn. I walk to the entrance with slight confidence, only slight. I doubt I was going to make any friends today. I continue dragging my feet to the office and realize that everyone's eyes are on me. Feeling a blush creep up, I hide my face in my dark brown hair. Thank God I didn't it short!

I finally reach the office and knock on the door slightly. I hear a muffled reply of "come in" and I push the door hesitantly. It revealed a lady in her mid-forties wearing a clean black suit. She gave a smile and stood up.

"Hello, you must be Miss Amidala Coleman, I am Headmistress Mitchell thank you for enrolling her in Alistaire School. We treat all our students equally and fairly. May you enjoy your six months in this school." the lady says with a strong aura of confidence. I nod meekly and take the timetable she had in her hand. She guides me out of her office.

"Good luck Amidala" she says and with one last fleeting smile, she closes the door in my face. Great, now I'm super nervous. I was going to be surrounded by people with posh accents and expensive clothes while here I am, plain o'le Amidala Coleman.

I glance at my timetable and see that Math was first. Life is just so dandy, isn't it? I lug myself to room 254, where class was being held. Since I was quite early, there was barely anyone in the hallways, moreover the classroom. I peek my head inside and see a few people moving around the classroom. I walk in silently and duck my head, not wanting to be noticed by the girls who were piled up in a corner, talking about the latest gossip.I took a seat at the back row, right next to the window. I scroll through my phone an see messages from all the girls. I quickly open one from GG and read its contents.

Go and rock the school Amidala. 

This put a smile on my face. GG always knew what to say when in moments like this.

I drop my phone back inside my bag and stare out the window. The trees were moving slightly because of the cold November winds.

"Hi, you're new here obviously but're in my seat" a male voice says and I snap my head away from the window and come face-to-face with a guy. No,not just any guy a really uber cute one. He had shaggy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know" I say, standing up quickly.

"No, it's alright. You can take the seat if you want" the guy says and gives me a bright smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask him silently. I can't believe I'm being so shy today.

"One hundred percent sure you can have the seat" he replies casually. I drop myself back on to the seat and see the guy had taken the seat right next to me.

"Thanks,you know. For offering me your seat" I tell him after a long silence.

"That's no problem. I'm Jordan Wilson, and I suppose you're new here and I haven't caught your name" he says and I smile lightly.

"My name's Amidala Coleman,I moved from New York" I say and he nods his head in approval.

"Lovely name you've got Amidala but not as lovely as you." he says sweetly. I hear someone clear their throat and see Harry standing there, looking kind of angry.

"Hi Harry" I say giving him a smile. He cracks a small smile but it immediately disappears when he sees Jordan. I never believed that Harry Styles would ever give a face like that much less to a person who I just met.

"Amidala, I need to talk you, it won't take to long" Harry says calmly, but I could hear anger tainted in his voice. I follow him outside the classroom and that's where I see Zayn pacing there looking impatient. He was wearing some Abercrombie jeans and a plain white shirt. He was cute.

That's a lie Dals, you find him extremely hot and you know it, you just don't want to admit it.

"Hi Zayn" I say awkwardly and he looks up and suddenly his whole face brightens up.

"Hi Amidala" he replies

"Zayn, I was looking for Amidala to ask her something when I saw Jordan chatting her up" Harry says and suddenly Zayn's cool and collected expression disappeared and was replaced with a violent one.

"That prick" he mutters furiously. Were, they talking about Jordan? How could they be so mean!

"Zayn, don't talk about that way!" I scold him and he shakes his head.

"You don't understand Amidala, he's bad news. He may be the president of the student body and the team captain of the baseball team but that's just used to cover up his slimy arse and his antics" Zayn explains.

"As if you know him! He seems like a really nice guy" I tell Zayn and he slaps his head to his hands.

"That's what he's good at! Pretends to be the nice guy but is actually the bad guy in the end of the story who ruins everybody's life" Zayn says angrily.

"You know Zayn, as much as I love ou insulting Jordan Wilson all your profanities are hurting my ears and--" Harry tries to cut in but I speak louder.

"It's not like you have proof that he is a sleazebag. He's decent and is probably ten times the person you are!" I scream at him. The passersby had stopped walking. Zayn freezes and looks me in the eye. His hazel eyes were filled with sorrow and pain and I didn't know why.

Zayn walks over to me, and grabs my shoulders firmly.

"Just trust me, or you'll end up like Miranda" he says and with that he stalks out f the hallway, leaving a bewildered Harry and a stunned Amidala Coleman.

Why would he really want me to stay away from Jordan? Who's Miranda?

A million questions were racing in my mind. I am beyond confused.

"He can be very moody sometimes Amidala. Psshh, don't take him too seriously" Harry states nervously. I thought about Zayn and his pained expression.

I felt guilt clench at my heart.

I just met him, so why am I feeling these feelings for him? Why is my heart regretting what I had said to him!

I didn't know what to do, instead I picked up my bag which I had accidentally brought outside with me, fished my keys out of my pocket and left the school grounds.

First day of school can wait some other day.


A/N: What'd you think?


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