Dinner and Bosses

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We both laughed all the way back to mine and Kirito's apartment. We both had been making fun of the guy at the stadium. "remember his face when the big guy walked down there" I said she giggled and nodded as I tried to master his face. As we both laughed we almost didn't notice we had arrived. I giggled as I opened the door only to see Kirito chasing a pig. "Kirito" I yelled in surprise he jumped "Oh h-hey n/n-chan and Asuna I uhm I was just getting the ham" Kirito said as I grabbed the pig and stabbed it 3 times then it died and was placed in my inventory I shook my head at Kirito. "Honestly I gave you one job and you couldn't kill a pig" I said wanting to slam my head at the wall.

"Come on Asuna you can help me but put your cloak on the hook first please' I said she nodded and pulled her cloak off I gasped she was so beautiful. I saw Kirito get a small nose bleed. I giggled and changed into shorts and a tank top. "Come on Asuna food time" I said grabbing her hand she smiled and chuckled following after me. "Kirito you need to go clean up you stink" I yelled at Kirito he whined but I heard his footsteps go up the stairs. I giggled at his whining. "So Asuna can you cook if you can't you can sit on the stool and watch or you could go relax or I can teach you" I said she nodded "I can cook I will help" she said I giggled and nodded "Ok then you do the potatoes and I will start on the ham" I said she nodded and got out a peeler and began doing the potatoes one by one.

We told each other jokes and talked about our other lives as we cooked "n/n-chan Asuna when is it going to be done I am starving" Kirito said walking into the kitchen shirtless as always Asuna blushed bright red as I just continued cooking "Kirito we have a guest go put a shirt on" I said quietly he complained until I glared at him which shut him up "Ok y/n" he said quietly then he quickly grabbed a shirt from his inventory and put it on. Asuna watched curiously at me and him. "I didn't mind I was just surprised' Asuna said quietly I gave her wide eyes and my mouth was open a little "Are you sure" I asked she nodded with a smile. I smiled back and nodded at Kirito and he ripped the shirt off and whooped giving a huge smile.

"So when is it gonna be done" "Kirito" me and Asuna yelled and he fell back on his chair and we all laughed then I helped him up but me and him slipped making us both fall into this position.

I blushed and moaned at the pain and opened my eyes to see Kirito right above me one arm holding my waist the other holding us both up. I felt my eye lids close on there own and we began to close in until "Y/n Kirito are you two alright" I heard Asuna's worried voice making my eyes snap open I blushed and pulled away from Kirito "ya we are ok" I said and Kirito helped me up and we both dusted ourselves off. What was that if Asuna hadn't said anything would we have kissed would we have done something No y/n don't think like that he is like a brother only.

I then heard the meal beep "Ok dinner is ready" I said and pulled out the ham and set it on the table it smelled really good like honey and sprite. Then Asuna grabbed the potatoes and sat them down then I grabbed the biscuits and green beans. Then Asuna pulled out the tea she made "Thanks for helping me Asuna" I said she nodded with a smile "No problem it was fun" she said I blushed and smiled back. Then I grabbed plates and silver wear and we began to eat telling stories and jokes laughing and being mean.

"mmm That was delicious n/n-chan and Asuna you guy's cooking is amazing" Kirito said making us chuckle "thanks Kirito" me and Asuna said at the same time making us giggle. I looked to see Kirito looking at us with a half lidded gaze and a smile spread across his face. Soon though it was late and we all decided it was time to go to bed. "Asuna if you want to take a bath or shower there is one in your room along with some soap and shampoo and conditioner and a brush" I said she smiled and thanked me "Thank you guys for everything this was a really nice night" Asuna said I smiled and said "Of course you are welcomed here anytime heck if you wanted you could live with us I am sure Kirito wouldn't mind" I said she blushed and shook her head "No I couldn't I have to get back to my home soon" she said. I frowned "Think about it" I said putting a hand on her shoulder she seemed reluctant but she agreed. "Ok Goodnight Asuna" "Goodnight y/n" she said and went into her room.

I sighed and went into mine and Kirito's room "What's wrong n/n-chan" Kirito asked as I walked in I jumped in surprise he was laying in the bed with no shirt and probably just boxers "No-Nothing" I said he gave me the really look. I blushed looking down "I want Asuna to join us and live with us but she refuses" I said he shrugged "Y/n you can't force her it's her choice anyway she is really nice and all but I think it should just be us two ok?" Kirito said I looked down sighing before nodding "I guess your right" I said he smiled and nodded "are you gonna take a shower first or just go to bed" he asked I pointed to the shower he nodded and turned off the light "I will most likely be asleep when your done so goodnight" "night" I said moving to the bathroom.

I quickly got undressed then turned the shower on I felt my body relax as the water worked wonders on my body. I sighed and felt a small smile come on too my face. I quickly washed up then put my hair up and got dressed into my nightgown. I then left the bathroom and went into the bedroom again. I looked and saw Kirito fast asleep. I giggled before getting into bed and falling asleep next to him.

The next morning I woke up with Kirito next to me for once I smiled but blushed when I realized our position. His arms were tightly around me our legs were tangled together and my head was on his chest. I tried to wiggle out but his grip was too tight. "Kirito" I whispered he squirmed but didn't move. I gave a huff of annoyance "Kirito' I yelled in his ear which finally woke him up he was about to yell at me until he noticed our position then he blushed and slowly we both untangled. Then he got up and went into the bathroom I rolled my eyes and got dressed but decide to leave my hair down so now it cascaded in wavy locks down my back.

Then Kirito walked out of the bathroom with his usual outfit on he smiled at me. I smiled back and we walked out to go find Asuna I knocked on her bedroom door. "Asuna are you awake" I said no answer I opened the door but no one was there. I walked downstairs and saw Asuna cooking breakfast she smiled at me as I came down "Good Morning y/n here is your breakfast Kirito is already digging into his" She said I giggled at Kirito "Thank you Asuna that was really sweet of you to make breakfast" I said accepting the bacon and eggs and sat next to Kirito.

We all ate in content silence. "Y/n Kirito" I heard Asuna ask in a small voice I looked up at her and noticed her head was down and her face was covered by her hair "What is it" I asked she kinda shook "Th-Thank you both for for not giving up on me and taking me in"She said with a couple tears streaming down her face I gave a smile and got up and walked over to her and pulled her into a hug she gasped but buried her face in my top and cried her eyes out "Asuna it's ok like I said we don't mind not one bit and like I said you can stay with us if you want" I said she shook her head and smiled looking up at me.

"Y/n you and Kirito have given me enough courage to join a guild I don't know which one yet but I will find one I just wanted to thank you both" she said I giggled and hugged her tighter. "Kirito come on group hug" I said looking at him he blushed but smiled and picked us both up in a big hug I gasped and me and Asuna chuckled until finally he put us both down. We then cleaned up everything. "Ok guys we gotta go like now" Kirito yelled I rolled my eyes worry wart. I then ran downstairs and put my hood up to cover my face. Asuna put her cloak on and so did Kirito and we were off.

Time Skip

We finally were all gathered at the same tower me and Kirito had once been in and defeated. "Kirito should we tell them" I said he shook his head and Asuna looked at us for second before looking away I feel bad she doesn't know. "Alright Listen up here are the rules everyone will help also whatever items potions or anything that drops and you grab it it's yours no arguments now let's go" Diavel said. We all gave a battle cry and ran in.

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