Before the Battle

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I woke up the next morning with a smile, Kirito's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist holding me close and breathing on my neck. "morning love" he said kissing my cheek I blushed but smiled "Morning baby" he rubbed my arm with his hand as we laid and cuddled a little more 'ding' we suddenly got a message I opened it and looked at it

From: Asuna

To Y/n: Hey! we need you and Kirito back now we are so close to ending this game but we need two of our strongest players on the frontlines.

I gave a heavy sigh and Kirito groaned "damn" he said in a defeated tone. I gave him a small smile kissing his nose getting up "Come on we had a nice vacation while it last" I said as we both got up. He nodded and we hurried getting all of our stuff packed up. "huh? I just realized I have never met this Heathcliff" I said Kirito looked at me with a raised eyebrow "your lucky he's a real prick" I laughed and packed up the rest of our stuff. "You ready" I asked he nodded grabbing my hand as we opened the portal we took a deep breath and stepped through.

"N/n-chan!" an excited voice said tackling me in a hug I made an oof noise and laughed seeing it was my friend I hugged her back tightly until we pulled away "I missed you guys!" she said happily we both gave her gentle smiles "we missed you too" I said she smiled and grabbed out hands "Come on Heathcliff wants to talk to you guys" she said we nodded and let her take us to his room telling her all about our fun times. Finally we made it to his office Asuna opened the doors and suddenly I got a horrible feeling in my stomach as the man smiled.

He looked at Kirito before staring at me he gave me a sad smile and greeted us "Welcome Black Swordsman and the Silent Assassin" we nodded and he turned to Asuna waving her away she nodded and smiled at us before leaving and closing the door. I looked at the man with a glare why did he seem so familiar "My dear allies I have a proposition for you two" he said standing up and walking in front of his desk "What is it" Kirito said walking slightly in front of me Heathcliff noticed and slightly frowned.

"Relax I am not going to hurt either of you I just wanted to ask you two to join our party for the mission" he said I looked at Kirito he was about to reject but I grabbed his hands he looked at me surprised but my eyes never left Heathcliff's "Fine but I would like to ask a question" I said with narrowed eyes the man smirked and nodded "go right ahead my dear" I sighed "What is your real name?" I asked he narrowed his eyes and looked down "that is a very personal question" I crossed my arms and stared at him intently "My name was Richard Johnson" I looked at him surprised.

"your from America" I asked he nodded "Originally I was born there but I moved to Japan at age 19" I stared at him before nodding "Fine we'll help" I looked at Kirito he seemed reluctant but nodded. "Good we will meet back here tomorrow so get some rest" we nodded and turned around leaving Kirito grabbed my arm before we got too far "Y/n what the heck was that" I sighed "I-I'm not sure but I think" I leaned closer into Kirito's ear and whispered "I think he is my uncle" Kirito looked at me surprised.

"What are you talking about" he asked I sighed "Not here come on let's get to our room for the night" I swiftly grabbed his hand pulling him with me. We ran as quickly as we could to our small house/room. Finally we made it and slammed our door shut locking it shut. "ok now what the heck was that?" Kirito asked I sighed and put my hand through my hair "I don't know for sure but he acts like my uncle and his voice is exactly the same." I told him he sighed "ok but we can't make any big decisions yet" he walked up to me and gently rubbed my arms. "Let's just try to stay calm let's do the boss raide tomorrow and then we'll decide what to do from there" he told me.

I sighed and laid my head on his chest "fine" he sighed and wrapped his arms around me "Don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine" I smiled slightly and nodded "now I have a favor to ask you" he asked me in a soft voice I looked up at him "What is it?" I asked resting my hand on his face he sighed holding my hand to his cheek "I don't want you to fight tomorrow" he said quietly looking away I froze "what?" "This battle is so dangerous I don't want you to fight" I looked away "Kirito I'm sorry I can't do that favor I will never step down from a fight no matter how dangerous it may be" I told him in a determined voice. Suddenly his hands gripped into fists and his hair covered his eyes.

"Y/n please please for me don't fight I can't lose you your too important" he said in a loud slightly cracked voice I frowned and moved hair out of his face to see tears I looked at him in shock and hugged him tightly pulling his face into my chest. (no dirtiness here). I held him as he cried "I'm sorry Kirito but I can't not fight I care too much about everything I have to go to keep you safe and protect you" I told him he sighed "You can't protect me it's my job to protect you" I sighed "Kirito it's the modern days I am a strong girl and I will protect you." he sighed and looked "but if your protecting me then whose protecting you" I smiled softly "you of course I protect you and you protect me of course" he chuckled and nodded "i'm sorry" I giggled and shook my head.

"Don't worry about it let's just go get some sleep for tomorrow we have a big long battle." I told him he smiled and nodded "Yeah your right but first" he got a sly smile and grabbed my chin pulling my face extremely close I blushed lightly at the grin on his face. "hehe what are you doing" I asked nervously he smiled and leaned closer "just close your eyes" I blushed but complied and as soon as they shut his mouth connected with my own. I blushed but wrapped my arms around his neck as his held my waist close to him.

I held onto him tightly as he picked me up and carried me into our bedroom "Kirito" I asked he smiled and made motion to be quiet before slamming the door behind us.

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