Arguments and Vacations

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        I woke up and felt my throat dry I got up and began walking downstairs and into my kitchen but before I made it to the living room to see Asuna and Kirito in fighting positions "What are you two doing" I asked softly. They both looked at me with horrified expressions "Y/n" they both yelled I stared at them with wide innocent eyes. "Are you two fighting" I asked they looked down and I stood in between them.

"there will be no fighting between friends now all of us are going to bed and we will figure this out tomorrow" I told them handing Asuna a blanket and pillow she gently smiled "Thank you y/n" she said I nodded and grabbed Kirito's hand and pulled him with me bringing him upstairs my throat forgotten "n/n-chan" he said softly as I closed the door to our room walking to the bed.





He grabbed my arm spinning me around and into his chest my arms stayed at my side and my face was shoved into his face. "Y/n" he said tipping my chin up to meet his eyes. "Please answer me" he said I stared at him blankly I could see the pleading in his eyes but I just didn't know how to feel about him right now "we need to sleep" I mumbled. He sighed and nodded reluctantly I pulled away and went to the bed laying down.

Kirito laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist I didn't respond and snuggled into my pillow. The next morning I woke up to hear Kirito lightly arguing I looked to see he wasn't in bed I sighed and got up and put my ear to the door "She has to know!" "No leave her alone we caused enough trouble last night" "I'm going to tell her and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" I opened the door to see Asuna and Kirito head to head as soon as I opened it.

"Y/N!" they shouted once again frozen I bit my lip and walked past them to the bathroom they just stared at me and as soon as the bathroom door closed they became unfrozen "Y/n" they said running to the door "Go away I need to shower" I said in a cold tone on the other side they both frowned and silently walked away. I sighed and quickly got undressed getting into the cold shower.

What am I going to do with those two they keep getting into arguments and I don't know why I mean I thought they were friends. I stepped out of the shower and put on my daily clothes I stared at the door contemplating on weather or not I should open it and face the problems or jump out the bathroom window. I grabbed the yanking it open to see and empty hallway I sighed in relief walking downstairs.

As I made my way downstairs I heard pots and pans clicking I walked to the kitchen to see a worried Kirito and Asuna as they tried cooking eggs and bacon I sighed catching there attention "Look if you guys are gonna burn the food you might as well just let me cook" I said holding my hand to my forehead "Sorry n/n-chan" they both said bowing there heads. I sighed pointing to the stools they immediately sat down.

I went and cleaned up there mess while cooking breakfast they watched me from there seats quietly "Y/n please yell at us or do something please" Kirito said his head in his hands I sighed I hate seeing them like this but I just "we will talk after breakfast" I told them they nodded and hung there heads. I finished the breakfast and served it to them we all ate in silence I finished my food and felt myself being dragged to the couch I sighed and just let them seat me.

"Ok y/n seriously we need to know" they both said I sighed "First I want to hear both stories from the beginning" I said to them both crossing my legs they sighed and nodded "Well you see after I put you to bed I had Asuna stay over to talk because she had been doing some things that upset me" "Yes you see I havn't been completely honest to you" Asuna took a deep breath and looked me in the eye.

"Y/n I am in love with you" she said I gasped and my eyes widened she looked hopeful I looked at Kirito he looked worried I closed my eyes and gave a gentle smile "I am sorry Asuna but I don't love you in that way you see I am in love with Kirito I'm really sorry" I told her she frowned and Kirito smiled wide "I see don't worry about it I just really wanted you to know" she said I sighed and kissed her cheek gently "But" she suddenly spoke in a strong voice. "I wont give up on you y/n".

She told me with a smile a single tear going down her face I smiled lightly and nodded "I wouldn't force you too" I promised her but turned my gaze to Kirito and smacked him in the head "Your such an idiot do you think I would be with you if I didn't like you" I told him he sighed and stood up wrapping me in his arms and resting his chin on my head. "I just am worried that you'll end up finding someone better than me and leave".

I giggled hugging him back "nah I like you and your stupidity" I told him he chuckled "I'm gonna go home now I will talk to you guys later" she said I smiled and nodded "Bye Asuna I will message you later" she nodded and transported I sighed snuggling into Kirito's chest when suddenly he pulled away with a serious look "Y/n you know I love you and I want to be with you forever so" he got on one knee holding my hands "Will you marry me" he asked I felt tears well up in my eyes as I nodded and he got up and kissed me full on the lips.

I smiled into the kiss and he put his menu up and set me a marriage request. I accepted immediately and he smiled and suddenly there was a golden ring on each of our fingers I smiled as he intertwined them "let's go away for a while like a honeymoon" he said resting his forehead on mine I chuckled "Sure let's go" I told him making him smile and pick me up swinging me around I blushed but laughed.

"Y/n can we go now" he asked I chuckled at his impatience and nodded "Sure" we closed the apartment and grabbed our items sent out notifications that we were married and that we would like everyone to leave us be for a little while. "Ready" Kirito asked holding out his hand I smiled and grabbed it nodding then we left to go to our new home it was really big as soon as we entered I went right to the balcony "Look how beautiful" I told him he smiled and came up behind me putting his arm around my waist.

"yea it really is pretty up here" he smiled at me before kissing my cheek "Kirito?" I asked softly hummed in response "Is this relationship just in the game or?" I asked looked away only to have a hand grab my chin lightly bringing it closer to the man's face "Y/n when we get out of this game I will find you and I will marry you in the real world I love you and those feelings won't ever change I promise" he said closing the distance between us as if it was some key to a promise.

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