Music Class

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"S-sure.." I answered even though I was still bewildered that I though Ryder smiled a little.. but I’m probably imagining things. Before that, I must also do my best at the academy. I shook my head to erase what I saw on Ryder's face, and tried to catch up with Maruko.

I must do my best like Ryder!

I've decided to do so a few days afterwards. However, I still have no idea what I should do. I was busy with my own thoughts that I almost missed what the teacher had to say.

"Any student who can solve this question might become the recipient of the Nobel Prize. I'll leave it on the board, and those of you who think you can solve this, please feel free to write it down. That's all for today."

When I glance down at Julian, he is watching the chalkboard with interest.


"I'm bad at math.. I don't understand any of it at all."

"There are many intelligent students in the academy, and Julian always looks joyful in math class." said Mo

"That's because he always does his best to learn everything ever since he was a child." I replied to Mo.

"As I recall, the reason why you, Sky, could enter the academy is because you can sing, isn't it? There is a recording studio besides the music room in the academy. We can record our songs there."

"Really?" I was dazzled by Mo's statement. My heart was leaping up and down with excitement as I see Mo nodding her head indicating she was saying yes non-verbally.

The bell rang and it’s time for the next class. Music class is coming up next. Mo and I went to the music room in a hurry.

"You two.. You must be prompt!" Hunter suddenly came out of nowhere and points us with his pointer.

"Get in line. We will continue the chorus from the last class."

Mo and I placed ourselves beside Julian. Julian smiles at me mischievously.

"Ryder, get the piano ready." Hunter ordered swiftly at Ryder. Ryder as accompanist ignores that command, and keeps his eyes fixated somewhere.

"Hey, Ryder! Get the piano ready!" Hunter shouted and obviously becoming impatient with Ryder. Ryder bowed slowly in front of the famous musicians before our time and sat on the chair in front of the piano.

"Hey Ryder! Look at me! I'm the leader! I'm the conductor!" Hunter exclaimed to Ryder.

When everyone started singing together, I realized that Julian's off tune, and Mo and I tried our best not to laugh out loud. Julian raised his voice without noticing that he's off tune. And I guess Hunter probably couldn't help but notice it too so he pointed it out.

"Julian, keep your mouth shut for as long as you live! And Skylar, you get to sing the solo"

"...Yes!" I whisper shouted. I immersed myself in my world of music. After music class, I returned to the classroom.

Julian sang out of tune.. I didn't know that at all, even if I'm a childhood friend of his.

When I thought so, I found... 

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