Finding Friends

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----Third POV----

You opened the door and saw a man standing in between two beds. Prussia. Japan walked towards him and as a safety precaution you locked the door and ready your (Weapon). Japan slowly raised his hand at Prussia. Before Japan could even touch him, Prussia reacted.

"Hn, who goes there!" Prussia yelled and swiped his sword at Japan, making him fall.

"Woah! Calm down! Its us, Japan and (C/N)!" You yelled at him. Prussia looked at us and sighed in relief. He slowly lowered his sward down.

"Oh its you guys? Ah...sorry." Prussia said with a sheepish smile.

"Are you aright?" Japan asked as he patted himself off when he got up.

"Th-there was a monster! I saw it!! A, a stark naked giant with the color of a rotten scone! And I am Not trying to prank (C/N) this time!" Prussia said in a panic. When he saw that neither of use was going to speak he continued "Its true! We all saw it! Me, Vest, and Italy too!" Prussia said panicked and tried to persuade us.

"Yes, we know." Japan said calmly and looked like he couldn't believe he was saying it either.

"Before I knew it, I'd wound up here. Those two....I don't know where they went.....Am I making any sense?" Prussia asked as if he was waiting to be mocked.

"Yes you do. Don't worry we saw it too, though Japan thought it was only him being tired." You said and pointed to the Japanese man.

"Really!?" Prussia yelled shocked.

"*Cough* Could we please continue?" Japan asked and started to blush a bit.

"Anyways what the H*** is that thing! O....Oh!! And what happened to the others!?" Prussia asked franticly.

"Calm down." You said and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked at you with unease.

"Would you like for me to bring you something to drink?" Japan, worry edged in his voice.

"Eh? Well...know that you mention it, I am a little Thirsty. Do you have some water or something?" Prussia asked.

"No, but I can go and get you some. Would you like me to?" Japan asked.

"Yeah...No wait never mind, I don't really need it." Prussia said, a look of fear flickering in his eyes.

"Oh!! This completely passed my mind earlier, but I have some water in my bag! Here you go." You said and digged through you bag. You passed Prussia the water bottle. He gave a little thanks and drank some. You looked over at Japan who gave a annoyed look. You mutter a another apology and he goes back to his regular look.

"Anyways what happened to the other two?" Prussia asked as he gave you your water bottle back.

"Germany is on the same floor. He claimed that he was hungry." Japan said.

"But, we Still haven't found Italy. I'm Guessing you don't know were he is do you?" You said and crossed your arms.

"Vhat!? Italy's missing!? Do you think he was attacked by that monster?" Prussia asked with worry clearly in his crimson red eyes.

"We aren't 100% sure..." Japan said.

"But the guy is the fastest runner I have ever met. So don't worry." You said with a smile. Prussia seemed to relaxe at the words you said and grabbed your hand.

"Danke Frau." Prussia said. "All right!! Then I'll help look for Italy too! But first lets go to where west is. What's he doing anyways?" Prussia asked as he reluctantly released your hand.

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