Hetaoni Pt.2 Deleted scenes!!

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Just a little something fun since this series is getting a little dark This one is from chapter two.

Deleted scene one

Japan walked up to Prussia. Seeing the signal for his part Prussia spun around and pulled out his fake sword. As he spun around the sword smacked right into Japans face and Japan fell to the right, where he knocked me down in the proses.

"Oh Crap!!" Prussia yelled as he saw us both go down.

I looked up after muttering a few curse words. Japan was hovering over me with a deep blush on his face.

"Are you okay!?" Italy yelled as he ran to our help. I looked over at him and nod. Japan stumbled while trying to get off of me and fell back down on me. I yelp in shock as I start to her Japan mumble some things in Japanese and English with deep red cheeks.

"We really need to stop meeting like this." I joked as Japan just turned more red. I smirked at his reaction. I pushed him off me and sat up with a sigh.

"Prussia, please do us a favor and be careful with that." I said as I stood up and dusted myself off.

Deleted Scene Two

We held our breaths as we waited for the monster to leave. I raised my weapon ready to attack. It went quiet and I loosened up. I reached for the door and when I opened it.....

"Holy s***!!" I yelled as I fell backwards with a blush on my face. Standing there was France.....naked. I slammed the door shut and leaned on the wood. Prussia started to crack up laughing and Japan looked ticked.

"What's wrong belle? My beauty stun you to the point you had to close the door?" France teased from the other side of the door.

"This mansion is h***!! I. want. to. burn. my. eyes!!" I yelled as I blushed and covered my eyes.

"w'at? You wish not to see anyt'ing ever again but the image of my on going beauty?" France purred from the other side of the door. My eye started to twitch. I flung the door only to slam it shut once again.

"Antonio! Why are you naked too?!?" I yelled as I stuttered.

"What's wrong chica? You act like you never seen a man nake-!" I interrupted Antonio.

"I will not have this conversation with you two idiots especially at this moment in time!!" I snapped as I started to get ticked.

"Go get dressed you Dummkopfs!!" Germany yelled coming to my rescue. In sighed in relief as I heard the two men walk away.

Deleted Scene Three

Prussia was slammed into the wall and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Prussia looked up at me and smiled.

"I would be Awesome if you gave me one of you magical kisses." Prussia said as he puckered his lip.

I slammed my fake weapon into his head.

"Yep.... your fine......" I stated as I stood up strait.

Deleted Scene Four

Germany and Prussia were trying to pull the Mochi out of the wall. In the process, the Mochi slipped out of the hole with a pop. Prussia and Germany went stumbling backwards and ran right into me. We three flipped over the counter and over the table with a big crash.

"Are your okay!" Japan asked flustered. I let out a moan as all the pain finally hit me. Prussia jumped up yelling about how 'awesome' that was.

I slowly lifted my body off the ground, but noticed it wasn't wood. I looked to see a blushing German. I gasped as I flung backwards off of the German and slamming my head on the corner of the table.

"Shit!!" I cursed as I held my head.

"(Name)! Are you okay?" Germany asked as he sat up.

"Perfect, just getting head trauma during this stupid thing." I hissed as I rubbed the back of my head.

Deleted Scene Five

Japan jumped down the hole that lead to the piano room. I pretended to fall, but to my luck.....Japan completely missed me and I fell to the ground, HARD.

"Come on!" I yelled as I rubbed my back. Japan looked about ready to die of embarrassment.

"I-I am s-so sorry (N-name)-san!" Japan muttered out a string of apologies switching from English to Japanese here and there.

"Its fine." I said as I tried not to snap at the poor Japanese man.

Try six.

I had found my way to the ground once again. I was starting to lose my temper with this stupid scene.

"Okay lets just have her jump down on her own." The director said. I sighed in relief as those words left her mouth.

"No! Its dis honorable to not do this scene! One more chance!" Japan pleaded. My breath hitched as I looked at the director, who sighed and nodded.

I was standing in my spot waiting for the signal. When I was given the signal I didn't do my part.

"Look I'm done with this scene. Lets just AHHHHH!" I yelped at I lost my footing and fell threw the hole. I closed my eyes and waited to make impact with the ground once again.

A pair of arms caught me. I opened my eyes to see Japan had caught me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You caught me, NOW!!" I yelled annoyed as I tried not to rip his head off. Japan ignored me and looked at the director.

"Could we use that?" He asked with a sliver of hope in his eyes.

Deleted Scene Six

Italy walked to the door, However he slipped and fell. He burst out crying and wailing. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Are you okay Italy?" I asked. Italy pounced on me and hugged me as he cried.

"Stupid fratello! How are you the a-lead in this anyways?" Romano yelled at the whining Italian.

"Oh calm down. He's okay. Right Italy?" I asked as I whipped the tears away. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Thanks a-bella." He said as he pecked my cheek.

Deleted Scene Seven

We walked into the room with the mochi. Italy held his breath then let out the loudest scream in the history of screams. He jumped of the ground and into Japan who looked like he had a mini heart attack. I jumped back when Italy screamed. Prussia, Germany, and Steve (Allen's Friend) covered there ears.

"I a-don't want to a-die!!" Italy screamed yelling for help. Japan was trying to pry the freaked out Italian off of him.

I tried to help, but while trying to pull him off he turned and grabbed my wrist.

"I a-wont let him a-get you Bella!!" He yelled as He lifted me off the ground and ran faster then a race car out of the studio with the others trying to stop him.

Deleted Scene Eight

I was sitting on the bed as Germany, Prussia, and Japan were talking. Italy's part to speak came up, but he never spoke. Italy was leaning on me.

I nudged him, but he just groaned and started to snore. I looked over and couldn't help the laugh that left my lips.

"What happened?" Prussia asked. Him and the other two were waiting for Italy to speak.

"He fell asleep! For real!!" I yelled as I laughed. Germany face palmed. Japan had a small smirk, and Prussia was laughing with me.

"Passsttttttaaaaa~!" Italy mumbled in his sleep.

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