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The room was shaking so violently that I would have fallen if it wasn't for America who was quick to wrap his arms around me to keep me up. When the room stopped we all looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What was that?" Romano asked.

"I'll check it out." China said, stepping out the room.

"I'll go too." Spain said, following close behind China.

"I-I wonder what that tremor was.." Japan asked, still looking a little shaken up.

"It came from the hallway." Russia stated.

"You okay dudette?" America asked, still holding me firmly in his arms. I looked up with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks for the catch." I said, gently stepping away.

"Aaaargh!" China's voice screamed from the hallway, making us all jump. "Hey you guys, come her now!" China called out.

"Lets go. We'll soon reach the exit. Oh, um... My advice is... don't be surprised." Italy suggested, walking to the door. We followed close behind and stopped.

"There's another flight of stairs... Shall we go up?" Japan asked, looking at Italy. Italy nodded and took the first step. Once at the top the smell of iron invaded my scenes. I subconsciously grabbed onto Germany's arm. He stiffened at my actions, looking down. He moved his arm and took my hand into his, giving it a firm squeeze.

We entered a big open area. Blood stained the walls and the floor had numbers written out in blood. Gathering my courage, I let go of Germany's hand and walked over to one of the numbers. I kneeled down and hesitantly ran my hand over the number five. It was diffidently written out in blood and I pulled my hand back with a sick feeling.

"I know it sounds odd coming from me.. But this place is a little creepy." Russia stated, looking around the room.

"There's an X marked in blood on the mood." Canada said, staring at a picture on the wall. I stood up looking in his direction.

"And there's numbers on the floor. Are they representing a clock. If we assume so... an X on the moon and a clock." Japan held his chin in though.

"It means... the time when the moon doesn't show up?" Russia suggested.

"No. That would be to broad. Maybe it has something to do with the season?" I suggested.

"Maybe the mon tonight- no, no. Dammit... our past selves did solve this, right?" England asked.  Italy smiled a little.

"Yeah, sort of." Italy said.

"Being outsmarted by myself is out of the question... Say, Italy.. Whats that switch at your feet?" America asked going over and pushing the switch.

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