Enemies Lost in Time

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When the light vanished, Japan, Prussia, and Romano were back in the safe room. Japan was shaking slightly as he looked around, stunned.

"What?" Japan muttered shocked that he was still alive. England grinned as he stared at the three new arrivals.

"Would you look at that! I actually did it!" England cheered.

"Ooohh, Amazing. Evan I'm impressed." France complemented the Englishman. He looked back at the three shocked men. "Sorry for bringing you back all of a sudden. Were you in the middle of something?" France said teasingly with a perverted wink.

"W-We're saved?! Why all of a sudden-" Romano was so shocked, that he ignored the perverted Frenchman.

"Well, you see, when I was searching the fourth floor I found some lumps of magic. I can only assume that my past self left them." England explained quickly, cutting off Romano. "I don't know the details, but thanks to that, I got a little more magic back. Besides, Italy was worried that you wouldn't come back, and America is sulking about something." England said as he pointed to America who didn't have his usual smile. America glared at England.

"I'm not sulking...." America snapped defensively.

"He stated saying he could finally show us a great feat and then teleported you just like that! It was amazing." Russia jumped in with a smile. America grunted in anger.

"Please, stop teleporting people!!" America snapped. "The people you teleported didn't give you their consent!" America stated crossing his arms.

"America, whats wrong with you? You haven't been yourself for a while now." Canada asked looking at America concerned.  Italy looked at America with a pained expression.

"America, why don't you have some rest? Oh look! You've got blood on your clothes! Why dont you take a bath-!" Italy was cut off by America snapping at him.

"This is from when England came to use his Magic to..." America stopped talking.

"Oh.. when you grabbed him. He was bleeding a lot...." Italy muttered quietly. England looked at the two confused.

"Italy, go take a bath. It'll give you a nice change of mood." Germany said lightly pushing the Italians back. Italy nodded as he took hold of Americas sleeve.

"Yeah, Good Idea. America, come with me. I'll use the shower on the other side. Lets calm down a little." Italy suggested to the angsty American. Who stubbornly agreed. Once both were out of the room Germany looked at England with a apologetic look.

"Sorry, he's gone through a lot. You'll have to excuse him-" Germany stated.

"Thats what it looks like. Didn't you say you wound up in the past?" Spain asked as he stroked the sleeping girls head. She was placed on one of the soft, German made beds. She looked paler contrasted against what she normally looked.

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