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The (H/C) girl slowly closed the door. She walked over to Italy and stared at him, but refused to look him in the eyes. Tears prickled her already red eyes as she shook. Italy looked at her with a curious expression. She choked out a sob as she flung herself at him, knocking him off balance as both went to the ground. Her face was buried in his neck as she sobbed. 

"I...I'm so, so sorry... I... I couldn't protect you!" She cried out as she held him tight. Italy looked at the girl with wide eyes. He hesitantly moved his arms around the sobbing girl. He glanced behind him looking at the curtain Germany was hiding behind. "Your Germany c-can come out.." She muttered as she nuzzled into his neck. The curtain moves as Germany hesitantly stepped out.

"B-Bella.... I mean I'm a ghost~!" Italy said, trying to play the shurade he did with past Germany. He felt her shake her head.

"You think I'm that stupid.... I know your not MY  Italy." She whispered into his neck. He shuddered as her breath ran across his skin. "I just..... I'm sorry.... I just want to hold you for a little...." She said, still refusing to look him in the eyes. He frowned as he held her tight, stroking her back.

"Its okay..." He said, nuzzling into her hair, taking in her scent. Germany walked over to the two on the ground, he kneeled down and rubbed (Names) back. After she calmed down a bit, she finally got off Italy, helping him up along the way. She turned around staring at the door.

"I'm here... I mean your me.... she and I ran into each other not to long ago...." She said, pulling America's jacket closer around herself. "I..... I think she went to..... go see you. The others went to the third floor, so you should get over there to her.........." she started walking to the door but stopped. She looked back, this time meeting Italy's eyes for the first time. Her (e/c) eyes stared into his soul, the pain and sorrow digging into his soul. "Italy.... I..... I really am a idiot......This is all my fault... and I'm going to forget next loop.... but your me..... She is going to learn soon.... so... please go easy on her guys...I dont even know how to tell them or if I even should..." She said, looking away and walking off, leaving both nations confused.

"Phewwwww...." Italy sighed. "What a scare. I almost had a heart attack." He sighed once more, an hand over his heart. "Thank god. Wow, you got scolded by me, and hit by Prussia.... Talk about adding insult to injury, huh~!" Italy lightly teased. Germany was red and looked away, ignoring Italy. Italy lightly pouted. "Hey~ Germany~ I was talking to you~!" Italy whined halfheartedly. "Why are you sulking~?" Italy asked.

"I'm not sulking! It's just.... I'm so-so weak..Damn it." Germany grumbled.

"Oh, were you that upset about it? You don't have to worry. I was even worse the first time around. I mean, everyone but me was wiped out, you know." Italy tried to comfort Germany and make him feel better. Italy looked down as the memory came back to him. "Everyone died right before my eyes. The pure white piano.... The pure white sheets... the pure white beds... the pure white floor, they were all painted deep red." Germany looked up at Italy. "But you know, no one blamed me, Everyone smiled at me. And then they told me I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side till the end... (Name) wasn't like that though.... She blamed herself... she died, feeling guilt... That hurt me..... It was hard when everyone talked about how they were happy she wasn't here...... they forgot she even came to this place..... I... I was the only one who remembers..... When you and Prussia were the last to die, I couldn't believe it. I started... breaking everything in the house. There was no one to stop me or get mad at me... I was ready to give up.... pretty tough... That was the first time. As in, the time before this time loop we're in right now. I'm so jealous that you have someone to get mad at you...." Germany stared at Italy with a pained expression. Italy wipped the tears that slipped from his eyes. 

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