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I looked at the watch for a while, trying to thing of where I could have gotten it. I finally snapped out of it thinking this is not the place. I shoved it back in the bag and slung it over my shoulder. I walked out into the hallway. 

"Run!" I heard Canada wheeze out. My eyes landed on the Canadian that was pinned to the wall by the monster. I pulled out my (Weapon) and charged at it. Getting the arm that held Canada in place, I pulled him away and bolted down the hallway up the stairs, out of the basement.  

I didn't release his hand till we made it to the safe room. I was gripping his hand tight while trying to regain my breath. When I looked up I saw he was blushing, looking at our hands. I rolled my eyes and released his hand. He snapped out of his trance and followed me up the stairs.

I quietly opened the wooden door and peeked in. A sigh of relief left me as I saw no one was disturbed and woke up. I stiffly walked to the bathrooms located on the other side of the room. I felt the presence of Canada following me. Once in the other room I spun around and sighed out in relief.

"Did you get it?" He asked. I nodded and pulled the pocket watch out and stared at it.

"I did." I mutter. I was not sure if I should say anything about how the watch is not mine. I felt like if I did, I would just cause more trouble.

"That is a nice watch. It works! No ones watch was working. I wander why yours didn't." He pointed out. I filed that under the weird watch list and nodded sheepishly. I slipped in in my back pocket and stretched my arms.

"Might as well try to get some sleep. You go on to bed. I need to ah....prouder my nose." I mummer and walked into one of the four bathrooms.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

After using the restroom for real this time, I walk out. I stop before passing the wall to the area where the beds are. A gasp startled me. I froze.

".....A dream..." I heard Italy sigh out. I peeked past the corner and saw Italy sitting up in the bed. He was looking down as if he.....lost something or someone. I felt a twing of pain rush through my chest.

He finaly laid back and seemed to resume sleeping. I felt this before, but he changed. I ditched my shoes there and tapped his shoulder. He jumped and looked up at me with wide eyes. He smiled at me as soon as he saw that it was me. Playing the 'Damsel in Distress' I lowered my gaze and looked down with teary eyes and a light blush.

"I-I'm sorry to wake you but-but..." I trailed of for special effect. Italy sat up and wrapped his arms around my shaking form. He started to rock back and forth.

"What's a-wrong Bella?" He asked. I snuggled into his chest and gripped his arm.

"I had a bad dream. I-I saw a lot of things I wish I didn't. I was wandering if I could sleep with you. I want to know I'm not alone." I said into the cloth of his shirt. He tightened his grip around me and nodded.

"Of course. You are always a-welcomed into slipping into my a-bed." He said was he scooted over to make room for me. I slipped under the covers with him. I was turned facing him and he was facing me as well. He smiled comfortingly at me and pulled me into his chest. He pulled me into a warm and comforting embrace.

I had found that I was slowly being pulled into a deep sleep. I leaned into Italy's hand as it stroked my hair as you would do a child.

"Buona notte." Was the last thing I heard before going to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Dude! They look so cute!" I heard a squeal. America?

"Shut up you git! You will wake them!" Hissed a British voice. England?

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