Hetaoni x Reader from Pt.3 Deleted Scenes

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Deleted Scene One

I don't think its very interesting." Canada whispered.

No one said there lines after that. They looked like they were waiting for something.

"Wasn't someone suppose to say something?" England asked as he looked around.

I faced palmed and Canada sighed. I gave him a apologetic look.

"Sigh, Canada said his line just fine!" The director said as she signaled for a retake.

"What, CANADA'S HERE!!" America yelled shocked and looked around for the poor Canadian.

Deleted Scene Two

China picked up the white cloth and examined it with scared eyes.

"I must go -AAAYYYIIIIAAAA!" China yelled as he fell back wards. He fell right into the fire place with the ashes. A big puff of ashes and dust filled the studio. I ran over to where China was, coughing.

"China are you okay?" I asked as I kneeled down by the Chinese man. He looked at me and nodded his head. "Good cause.... You look hilarious!" I got out before bursting out laughing.

He had ashes and black smudges all over his body. The only thing you could see was his eyes, which were glaring at me.

"This is not funny! This was my favorite shirt, aru!" China yelled as he started to pout. My laughter died down to little giggles.

"Oh you got to admit, that was amazing." I said as I hugged the ticked Chinese man.

"I don't have to admit to anything, and you hugging me wont make you get any brownie points." China huffed as he crossed his arms. I smiled and pecked his cheek, which completely turned red.

"We cool now?" I asked innocently with a sweet smile.

Deleted Scene Three

I looked up at Steve thinking over and over. DO NOT LAUGH!!

"Hey over here!!" America yelled. My face loosened and I burst out laughing....again.

"I-I am sorry! I c-cant help m-my self!" I yelled as I laughed once again. Alfred lost his poker face and started to howl with laughter as well.

"Come on! We have done this scene three times already!" France complained as Prussia started to laugh with us.

"Sigh, love. I some times think you have to much fun with these things." England commented. I was giggling when I shrugged.

"Take Four!" The director yelled.

Deleted Scene Four

France picked me up and started to run. That was until, out of all times, he tripped while running at full speed.

"Whoa!" I screeched.

"Eeek!" Francis screamed.


We both slammed into the floor. I made first impact and guess what!? I broke Frances fall! All the Force was put into my body, cause France doesn't know how to run!!

"Crap! (C/N) you okay?" America asked as he ran to our groaning and moaning in pain forms on the ground.

"Mmmhhppp Mnnppphhh." I mumbled with my face flat on the ground.

"What was that Frau?" Prussia asked. I lifted my face off the ground. I had a very angry face, causing both men to take a few hundred steps back.

"I. am. fine." I said trying to not lash out and kill the French man that was on top of my sore form.

"T'at 'urt! W'at I trip on!?" France asked out loud.

I looked up at the Frenchie confused. He looked flustered and had a deep blush on his face. He was looking where he had previously ran. My eyes followed. My eye twitched at what I saw.

On the floor was a banana peel....

"Allen I swear to god... When I get my hands on you... You will die a slow and painful death!!" I said as my voice got louder to where it was a full out yell.

I looked over to see Allen who turned pale. I slowly crawled out from under France. I stood up and pulled out my weapon....My Real Weapon.

I heard Allen curse and start to run like Italy when England is attacking. I chased the scared to death 2P America with murder written al over my face.

Deleted Scene Five

France had me in his arms while running into the room with the cell.

America opened the cell door and stepped to the side to let us in.

"Ack!!" France and I made a startled sound. France full on missed the door and slammed right into the bars. France staggered backwards with me in his arms till finally lost his balance.

France grunted as his butt slammed into the ground. I landed on his chest.

"Really dude! You dropped her, Again!!" America yelled shocked and amused.

"I'm going to get killed doing these things, I swear." I said as I sat up.

I looked over to see England trying to not make fun of the Frenches mess up. I sighed as I collapsed next to France who also looked like he had no intentions of getting up.

Deleted Scene Six

It was break and I was in the break room drinking the punch they had on the table with snacks laid out.

"You cant stay mad at me forever." France mumbled. I huffed and turned away from him.

(Read this part like its a documentary please~)

France saw and opening and went to make a move on the territorial girl. As he reached out to wrap his arms around the poor girl, however a metal pipe was pointed at the great French. It seems that the girl had a friend who is also territorial. The big and intimidating Russian.

The most scary male out there in this world. The great French sees that he is no match to go head to head with the tall Russian. He retreats for the time being, planning a sneak attack....


The great French as Spotted his pray. The female not expecting the French. He looked around for the Russian. Seeing that the close was clear, he left the sanctuary of the hallway and elegantly made his way to the un expecting Female.

He reached out to the female. No female could turn down the beautiful charm of the glorious French. When he had gotten the Female's attention. He used the technique that was sure to win this defenseless girls heart. Flirting and sweet talk.

Sadly that seemed not to have worked cause the French man left the room with a hand print on his cheek. But the French wont give up easily... He will try again on the next episode of the Beautiful French.

Deleted Scene Seven

I locked my injured friends in the room. As they pleaded for me to come back, a lump formed in my throat. I went to leave, but as I turned I heard a smashing sound. I spun around to see Russia with his pipe in hand and the door on the ground in pieces.

"Russia! Its just a scene! You didn't have to execute the door!" I yelled and pointed to the wood pieces on the ground.

"Sorry sunflower, but this scene makes me mad. You wont be leaving, da?" Russia asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"Its not real. No in real life I don't plan on leaving, in this scene how ever, yes. Now go back to your spot." I said and pointed to his spot.

The Russians shoulders drooped and he trotted back to his spot like a child who just got scolded.

Deleted Scene Eight

I aimed my gun and pulled the trigger. My heart jumped when a bunch of colorful confetti shot out and a little flag that said bang.

In the process I threw the Gun at Steve who looked startled himself.

"Who did that!?" I yelled as I tried to stop the thumping of my heart.


Only one person n this god forsaken earth could laugh that loud. I glared at the laughing American.

"America!" Steve looked ticked and started to chase America who stopped laughing and was yelling for help.

Deleted Scene Nine

"His face was a Masterpiece, But he came out swinging. so I got a little injured." France said. His voice cheerful and happy, then going completely 'wish ya weren't there.'

I started to laugh. I couldn't help it! It was the way he was saying it. His French accent made it all the more better!

"Vhats so funny frua?" Germany asked. I giggled out my reply

"Sorry, its just the way he said it." I said as I held my sides.

"My voice is beautiful, no?" France said as he dramatically gestured to him self.

"No." England and I said at the same time.

Deleted Scene Ten

They watched as the mansion turned to flames. Italy's eyes started to water up the....

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (CCCCCCCC/NNNNNNNN)!!!! Don't a-die!!!" Italy yelled as he wailed, cried, and screamed. Italy fell face first to the ground crying like he just had his heart broken. Seriously, He was 100% serious.

"Italy! I'm fine see!" I yelled and ran over to the Seriously freaking out Italian. He looked at me and when It reached his brain he glomped me in a huge hug.

Deleted Scene Eleven.....Behind the Scenes!!

China and I were running down the hall for a practice shoot. As we rain the boy holding the mic held it to low and then....


China did a full on close line. His feet flew off the ground, his head flung backwards, and a yelp left his lips. I gasped. This all seemed to go in slow motion.

"China!!" I yelled and I stopped and kneeled down by him.

"How the heck this happen!? He is like the shortest out of all of them and he is the one who ran into the mic?!" I yelled as I helped him sit up.

"Stupid mic." China huffed as He groaned in pain.

Hetalia x reader (Hetaoni)Where stories live. Discover now