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After we defeated those monsters, we went back to the safe room. We all sat down at the table by the wall. I sighed and leaned against the table. 

"I'm sorry. I guess I lost more memories than I thought." Italy said with a frown.

"No, that was good enough. The rest is our job." Japan said with a smile.

"Still..... Don't you feel kind of weird to think that you could die..." England said looking down. Countries couldn't die. Countries faded. When they fade, it was claimed to be painless. Its just, you taken away from this world like you never existed. There was only one way for a country to fade, and that would be when a that countries people disbanded. Prussia being the only exception I could think of. Considering he became east Germany.

"As if we were the same as humans, you mean? Maybe we exist as humans in this place..." France stated. I looked at him weirdly.

"What do you mean? Do you guys feel different here?" I asked. I was only half nation, so I never felt that. The weight of my nation, the pressure. Sure if something like a earthquake or fire spread across my country, then I would feel the pain. Other than that and my long lasting youth, I didn't know how farther my country side went.

"It feels like my body doesn't carry the weight of my nation..... Even through our bodies still look the same." China explained. I nodded, exepting the answer.

"I wonder if I'll forgot again? I don't want that... I don't want to forget our newly found bond." Italy said as he looked down worried. I reached over and grabbed his hand, smiling at him. He tried to smile, but it looked more pained than reassured.

"Italy.." Germany muttered.

"Yeah. Isn't there anything we can do?" Spain asked.

".... OH! I know!" America exclaimed. We all looked at him.

"What? What are you talking about?" Canada asked. Americas face had a beaming smile.

"Lets form a alliance! A testimony of our new bond, without any relation to the allies or the axis or even the neutral nations, but to all of us who are here!" America suggested. I smiled and jumped up in excitement. 

"That sounds like a great idea!" I said with excitement in my voice. Prussia lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders.

"Ohhh! Sounds interesting! I approve!" Prussia cheered as he spun around with me still on his shoulders. I yelped and wrapped my arms around his face.

"I am of the same opinion as America. Lets do it. Did we form an alliance before?" Japan asked. Italy looked down in thought.

"No. Not as far as I know... I approve, too!" Italy said, I reached out for him, wanting down. He smiled as he walked over, grabbing my hips and helping me down.

"I wont except objections! After all that trouble, we should write it down in a document!" America cheered. I nodded and rummaged through my bag, grabbing a note book I had before the meeting. Germany grabbed it along with a pen I had in my bag. 

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