The Beginning {ETTW Pt. 1}

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It was a casual Sunday night as Alexis was typing in her usual blogging site. She writes about how she feels on people in relationships not knowing that in the next few days her life was going to drastically change forever.


"ALEXIS!! TIME FOR SCHOOL HONEY ", She gets up after hearing her mom call for her.

"Be down in a minute!" Alexis gets dressed for the last day of high school and heads downstairs to eat. On her way down her mom stops her.

"Lexi remember that tonight you have to attend an important business dinner with your father and I ok?"

Shaking her head, "Yes, Mom I remember and I promise I won't forget at all." Alexis sits down and eats her breakfast while pulling out her phone to look at what drama people posted on her feed today.

"Ah ah. No phones at the table, you know the rules.", says her mom as she takes Alexis' phone away from her.

"Eomma!" she whines, "I need to see for my blog you know this already."

"No. Now hurry up and finish and I'll give you back your phone so you can leave already." Alexis finishes eating, gets her phone, and heads to school for the day.

While walking to her bus stop a car pulls up on the side of her. Looking up slightly she takes a glance at the now slowed down car.

Furrowing her eyebrows she recognized the car the moment she looked. It was the one person she didn't want to see....Kim Taehyung....the boy she had a crush on but hated for a long time.

"Hey need a ride?", he had rolled down the passenger window and had slowed to almost a complete stop.

"No Tae. Now go away before I call the police for harassment." she started to walk faster, but he was able to keep up to her pace.

"Aw come on don't be like that, I'm actually feeling quite generous this morning. And besides it made my heart hurt seeing you walk all on your lonesome to school." he puts his hand on his heart, pretending to be sad.

"I don't need your pity Tae. Now if you don't mind I need to catch a school bus." Alexis gets to her stop and there are people already filing on to the bus, she gets on and then heads to school.

Taehyung's POV:

I couldn't let her get on that bus. I know that sometimes Jen is on that bus and it causes problems. I don't like seeing her hurt. Especially because of what happened, I know that's why she hates me. I hope I can make things right with Lexi and change her mind...... eventually......


She gets on the bus and Alexis sees the one person who she'd wish she never met after what happened...Jennifer Seo and her little clique of mini me's.

"Well look guys if it isn't that ugly bitch Alexis Yeon Lee." they all start laughing as she walked past.

"Yah! Crazy bitch you just stepped on my new Prada heels!" looking down Alexis notices that she actually did step on them.

Stepping back she looks down apologetically, "I-I'm s-sorry. I-I didn't k-know."

Jen gets up and stands in Lexis' face. "If you're really sorry get down and lick the dirt off my shoes like the suck up you always have been."

Lexi can hear snickers and giggles from all around her. "No", she says quietly.

"What did you just say to me?".

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