Back Again {ETTW Pt. 6}

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"Good things only last for a short amount of time. So why does the bad seem like forever?" -KimKairi

{ ฯ(^-^ฯ) Hi It's AuthorNim }

Alexis' POV

The guys settled everything once they got here. Jennifer disappeared before we could confront her...and Taehyung...let's just say I'm still not talking to him....Barely.

~Back at their beach house the next day~

"Hmmm." I stretch after just waking up.

"Should I go out to eat or make myself breakfast?" I get out the bed and clean up in the bathroom before heading out to the kitchen.

I open the fridge and there's all kinds of my favorite food. Wait I thought he didn't remember anything I why is there four Cookies and Cream Hershey Bars?

"Wow so he lied." I scoffed looking at the candy.

"Who lied?" I jump back in surprise as I see Taehyung enter the room.

"No one. And didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to sneak up on people?" I glared at him waiting for his response.

"Not if you wanna surprise the person you love." he winked at me.

"Ew gross." I scoffed. "Anyway I'm making breakfast, I might dislike you but I'm not gonna let you starve.....maybe." I say briefly under my breath.

"Ok well let me know if you need any help, I'm gonna take a quick shower."

"Yeah whatever." I start taking stuff out the fridge,put on the apron, and prepare breakfast. I thought about making some Bacon, Eggs, and Pancakes since I like international foods.

As I'm mixing the batter for Pancakes I hear a knock at the front door. I put the eggs on low to make sure they don't burn while I'm away and briefly check the bacon in the oven. I walk over to the door and look through the peephole. It's some brunett chick. I open the door, and she looks surprised to see me but then changed her expression.

"Oh you must be the help. I just came to see my Oppa." she walks in.

I scoffed at her. Who does this bitch think she is?

"Yah! Who are you to walk in here like you own the place?" I look at her with an intimidating expression.

"Excuse you but I'm his fiance, obviously you didn't see this gorgeous ring." she lifts up her hand and flashes a fake ass diamond. Stupid bitch doesn't know it's not even on the right finger.

"And who are you to question my authority here. I'm pretty sure you are just the help since you're cooking breakfast and wearing that tacky commoners apron."

"What's going on here?"

Oh finally this man walks out. Would have been nice if he was here when she just barged in and made herself at home.

"Oppa your maid is extremely rude. She threatened to hit me if I didn't leave. She said you're only hers and will kill anyone who stands in her way." she ran over to him and held on to his arm hiding behind his back.

"Did you really say this Lexi?" he had a serious tone but in his eyes you can see he's joking around.

"Yeah and I said I'll take the pancakes and shove them down her throat since she likes to walk into people's houses." I played along.

I walked over to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"Yah! Who said you can talk to my fiance like that? Maids should stay in their place." she piped up from her hiding spot behind him.

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