Starting Over Pt. 2

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{A/N This whole chapter will be in TaeTae's POV so don't get mad please.}

Taehyung's POV

After I pick up everything from the store I pull out my phone and call Lexi.


"The number you are trying to reach is not available right now.  Please leave a message after the beep."

No answer. I hang up the phone and start walking towards the resort hoping she's still there.

I walk in and all the staff walk up to me and immediately bow.

"Hello Mr.Kim, I see you are in town today. "

"Yes I am,  glad to see you Candace." I smile at the head hotelier.

She looks down at the grocery bags I'm holding.  "Do you need me to have someone take those up to your room or beach house?"

"The beach house please, and make sure that they are put away by the time I come back." She motions for someone  and they come up. I hand them the bags and they leave.

"Has a woman named Alexis come through here?"

"Yes sir, also I want to apologize to you cause I had disrespected her before finding out she was your wife. You can fire me if you like." She deeply bows showing she was sincere about it.

"I won't fire you just learn from your mistakes next time ok?" I flash her my signature box smile.

I walk off and head to the suite hoping she might be there. I get to the elevator and hop in. Right when the doors are about to close she stepped in.

"Omo! Hi Tae Oppa!"

"Hi Victoria." I bluntly reply back. This girl has liked me for years and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Let's just hope she doesn't know I'm married... Who knows what she will do to Lexi.

"Are you going up to your suite?" I looked at her trying to read her expression to see what she's planning.

"Um yes I just left something up there...then I'll be heading back out." I forced a smile not trying to be suspicious.


"Oh this is my floor Oppa... Maybe I'll see you later on tonight? "

"I highly doubt it." I said under my breath as she got off.

I make it to the suite and she's not inside. In all honesty it looks like she hasn't been in here at all. Maybe I can take this opportunity to surprise her and show her I really care about her.

I pick up the phone and call the front desk.

~Other line~

"Yes Mr. Kim?"


Starts writing a list down.

"And what if she comes up early should we stall her?"


"Understood and will that be all Mr. Kim?"


"Alright I will make sure everything is going according to plan and is sent up and prepared for you. Have a good rest of your evening."

~Hangs up line~

Alright now I have to sit and wait for everything to get done and pray that I can convince Lexi to come up here.

{Time Skip}

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