Remember What? {ETTW pt. 7}

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{Music Recommended: Beautiful by Crush}
Taehyung's POV

"Gghh...what happened last night?" I look around and I'm back at the room.

"Jesus what time is it." I get up and look at the clock. It's noon.

"Where's Lexi?" I walk out the room and see everything is packed already.
Oh that's right today we leave and go back our new home.

"Hey Lexi are you here?" I called out to her believing that she'll actually be here. Looking at the packed things I noticed none of her stuff is there and it's all mine.

"That's strange."

I pull out my phone and call Lexi.

~Ring Ring~

"The person you have dialed is not answering. Please leave a message after the beep. Mailbox full. Please try calling back later."

I hang up the phone and grab my stuff. I head down to the car to take me to the airport. While in the car I noticed the driver looking at me a lot.

"Is there a problem Chen?"

"Uh no sir it's just that Ms.Alexis left a few hours earlier than you saying she wanted to avoid any contact with you whatsoever."

"Oh..Well then carry on."

Did something happen yesterday when I got back from drinking? All I remember is her opening the door and that's it. I hope whatever happened she can forgive me.

Alexis' POV


"It feels great to be back home. I'm glad I will get to the new house before he gets here."

As the driver is driving past all the buildings I noticed one that brings back old memories of the times I tried getting over Taehyung. Like KissKiss Cupcakery.


Chanyeol what do you mean you're leaving me?

She was prettier than me in every way...

Yuxi has always been there for me since we were little it just now took me to realise she's the one for me...

Nothing can beat the connection of childhood love...right?

Fine be with her. I'm tired of trying to figure out who was in your heart the whole time anyway...

I say that as if I was hurt but I didn't feel anything when he left me that day...why?

If we happen to meet in the future don't even look my way...

That was the last time I ever seen him...

~End of Flashback~

Looking back at that I'd say I might even pity myself for liking him just a bit.

"Miss we are here."

The driver talking snaps me out of my trance. I look at the window and see a beautiful two story house.


I get my stuff out the car and go inside. All of our stuff is already moved in so I just need to go to my room and unpack my clothes. My room is on the second floor across from Taehyung's.

"After everywhere I imagined myself to be this sure wasn't one of the places."

My body is emotionally and physically exhausted. Not realizing it I fall asleep.

Taehyung's POV

I finally arrive to the house and when I step inside I see that Alexis is here.

"I wish this woman will accept my love and stop being stubborn."

I lightly laugh then make my way upstairs. I drop my things off in my room and walk out to use the restroom and take a shower. On my way there I notice the door to Lexi's room is slightly open.

My curiosity doesn't stop me so I quietly push open the door wider. I look in and see her sleeping peacefully on her bed.

"Such an Angel."

I walk inside and sit on the edge of the bed where she lays.

I sit and memorise her beauty. How her dark hair is silky smooth and matches so well with her milky complexion. How when she's not even smiling you can see the hint of her dimples. The tiny bit of freckles around her eyes that no one will actually notice unless they sat and studied her face.

I sit and recall the brilliant hazel of her eyes how they glisten whenever she's happy. That's someone I fell in love with and will never take for granted.

I brushed her hair out her face to see the beautiful pastel pink cheeks of hers. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you Alexis Lee."

I whispered my heart to her before I got up to walk out her room.

"Why are you in here?"

I turn around and she's sitting up at me and looking as if she seen her worst enemy walk in.

"I came to ask you something but you were sleeping so I'll leave you be bye. Wait...actually why are you trying to avoid me?"

"So you don't remember what you did to me when you were drunk"

Oh god please tell me I didn't take her first time while I was drunk.

"Remember what?"

"You forcefully stole my first kiss from me and I feel violated."

"I'm really sorry but I don't remember."

"You know what just get the hell out. If you know I don't want to see you why did you even come in the first place."

And with that she turned her back towards me and silence fell in the room. I honestly feel like I have been stabbed in my heart.

Is she really upset about a kiss?

Author Nim here. Sorry for such a short chapter and long update. I've been without the Wi-Fi... T^T... But now it's back on so I can update my shet. Woooooooo!
If anyone is confused about this chapter please comment or PM me and I'll answer any questions you might have.

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