Trusting Me to Trust You {ETTW Pt. 3}

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Hey just wanted to say I did a time skip to a year after graduation {they graduated at 18} and it's the day of their wedding. From now on the story will be from everyones different point of view and Alexis will be talking most of the time.)

Wedding Day:

I'm not gonna lie. I'm kinda nervous. I mean...I am getting married and stuff but I'm only 19 it just doesn't feel fair still.

*Knock at the door*

"Alexis sweetheart can I come in?"

"Yes." I turned around to go and open the door.

My mom walks in and gasps once she sees me in my wedding dress.

" look so beautiful. I think I'm gonna cry."

" Dont't cry it's supposed to be a happy day."

Lying between my teeth I know I'm nowhere near happy today.

"Hello? May I come in?" My father peeks his head through the door.

" Honey doesn't our daughter look absolutely stunning in her dress?"

"Yes.....she does. Looks like my little girl has finally grown up into an outstanding woman who is going to be a wonderful wife and mother." He started crying.

"Awww please dont cry cause if you cry then I'll cry." I try holding back the tears.

"I'm sorry... I'm just so happy." He started crying even more.

"Gosh. Dear come on let's go I'm pretty sure everything will be starting soon. You need to stand in your place to walk her down the aisle."

My mother takes my father to get ready leaving me alone with my thoughts.

"I really don't think I'm ready for this..."

Taehyung POV:

I'm a complete nervous wreck right now. I mean I do love Alexis so much. But I don't think I can do this. I still keep forgetting to break things off with Jennifer... We should have never ended up together anyway. Lets just pray she doesnt show up.

*Knock on door*

"Mr. Kim you need to come stand at the alter now, we are about to start."

"Ok! Be out in two minutes thank you."

I started pacing back and forth and read over my vows one last time before I left the grooms room and headed towards the alter.


I'm standing at the double doors. I'm holding my bouquet. I glance to my left and seen a door with a red exit sign. Maybe its not too late to run away and never come back?... No I have to do this. I can't be selfish, this day is not just for me but for my family.

"Are you ready my little peach?"
My dad locks his arm with mine as the doors finally opened.


I smiled my most genuine smile and faced forward towards a crowd of family and friends and soon-to-be family and friends. I hear the piano start playing when my father and I start walking to Taehyung.

Why is he smiling and staring at me like he hasn't seen me for years.

I blush cause I hear people whispering...

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