Starting Over PT.1 {ETTW pt. 4}

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We are on a private island and now it's our honeymoon. Trust me I'm not letting Taehyung touch me in any type of way while we are here. I don't love him....or at least I think I don't.

Lexi's POV

We arrived to a small private island on Jeju. When I say his family is loaded... I mean his family is LOADED. They own like four other islands that they just travel to just for fun.

Taehyung and I are actually married now...I kinda feel like it shouldn't have happened. I mean if it was to help my family's company then sure I would be fine with it.

We arrived to the house. I walked inside while Taehyung carried all of our things in.

"Wow! It has a beach front view wow!"

I ran over to the large window in the living room area. I looked over to see the beautiful ocean as it's waves crashed onto the shore. The sun was high above the ocean casting a glistening sparkle that illuminated the sea. I knew at this moment that I was in paradise and had no worries at all.

Caught up in my moment of awe I forgot one thing that I knew would piss me off for basically the rest of my life. Taehyung was here. And now I'm stuck with him till death do us part.

"Honey. I put all our stuff in the room. So what do you want to do today?", he said approaching me from behind.

Snapping back to reality by the sound of his voice, I turned around.

"First of all, don't call me honey, it sounds gross coming from you. Also, I honestly don't want to do anything today and maybe just sleep.", I said trying to walk past him and make my way to the room to lay down.

But before I could he grabbed my wrist, "Why are you always so cold to me Alexis?". I turned around and seen him staring at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"YOU KNOW WHY..." , I stared at him coldly then yanked my wrist away. I walked away not caring whether or not I hurt his feelings. Actions have consequences and this is just the beginning. I went into the room then fell asleep.


"Lexi come here! I have something to tell you!"

I turned around cause I heard my name. It's Jennifer... she looks happy...a little too happy...

"Here you are you weirdo...I've been looking all over for you. Hey? What's that you got in your hands?"

I hid the chocolate I made for Tae behind my back....It's the chocolate that he loves so much...I'm going to give it to him when I confess today...

"It's...Uh nothing. Don't worry about it Jen ...I also have something to tell you too so be excited for my news too alright? Anyway what was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"So.....Taehyung asked me to be his girlfriend isn't that crazy?! Of course I said yes he has been my crush for years."

Then he appeared....the boy that I loved for many years too. He's now dating my best friend...

He came up and put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him then looked at me.

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