The Changes {ETTW Pt.2}

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"Arranged marriage..who would've thought that I'd being marrying the one person I hate but want to love so badly at the same time..." -Alexis

"What do you mean an arranged marriage between Taehyung and I?!" Alexis started freaking out.

"Please calm down, you are going to cause a scene." Alexis' mom tries to sit her back down.

"I'm not marrying anybody.." looking at Taehyung, "...especially HIM."

And with that she walks off heading outside not knowing where she was headed, she just knew she had to get away from the craziness she was hearing.

"I'll go talk to her...after all I have to learn how to calm down my soon-to-be wife."

Taehyung walks off and then starts running towards the exit to find Alexis.

Alexis' POV:

I can't believe this. I have to get married to Taehyung. I want to forgive what he did to me but I don't think I can... I want to learn to love him but the hatred won't let me...Jennifer and him broke me that day in middle school...I just can't let this happen...


Alexis keeps running until she can't no more. She looks around and notices shes on a very high hill with a very steep drop below. One wrong move and someone could never wake back up again.

Alexis watches the city down below as the beauty engulfs her vision. Then suddenly she starts crying.

"Why me...why the fuck does it have to be me...out of all people why?!"

Lexi falls to the ground and started to bawl her eyes out because she knew that once her parents decided something, it definitely won't be changed.

As she was crying she doesn't notice someone coming up from behind her. A gentle hand touched her back and caused her to jump up at full alert.

"Why are you here? I dont even wanna see any of you guys...especially you." Lexi stared at Taehyung with dark eyes, a cold emotionless face was all that could be seen.

"Look I understand that you hate me and you're upset about all of this... But don't beat yourself up about it."

Tae took a step towards her. She backed up a bit avoiding to be anywhere near him.

"Please come back least for your parents."

He starts walking towards her. While he does that she walks backwards not noticing she was headed for the end of a cliff.

"ALEXIS!!" She falls over and closes her eyes knowing that she won't be saved now. Wondering why she hasn't felt any pain, she opens her eyes to find that Taehyung caught her in just enough time.

Pulling her up, Taehyung pulls her into his embrace breathing heavily after the frightful event that could have led to Lexis' potential death.

"Please be more careful next time." He starts stroking her head and squeezing her tight.

Alexis' POV:

When I opened my eyes I looked up and seen Taehyung had caught me. I could see the fear in his eyes when he stared back at me. He pulled me up and hugged me ever so tightly. I was so close I could hear and feel his heart beating out of his chest. Tae smells so nice, it melts my heart. I want to stay like this forever. But then I remember why I was ever so willing to fall off that cliff, even by accident. I pull away from him...

Taehyung's POV:

As I was walking towards her, I noticed she was backing up towards the edge of the cliff. I had a feeling she didn't realize it. I was going to tell her to watch out but she already fell off... My heart sank to the floor. I quickly reacted and caught her in enough time. I couldn't help but stare at her... When she opened her eyes and looked back at me I could see the sadness in her eyes. I quickly pulled her up and hugged her. I didn't want to let her go..not again.. She almost died like she did that one day in middle school...I didn't mean to hurt her...I never knew...


Alexis pulls away from Taehyung and looks down. "I'm sorry for worrying you and causing trouble tonight. It's just that I've been taken aback by this whole arranged marriage thing."

"It's ok. I didn't expect it either...I mean it's a big change in our lives now."

"We have to learn to work together to make things alright for us." He grabs ahold of her hand. " Now let's go back to eomma and appa."

Taehyung and Alexis walk back to the restaurant and both their parents were outside.

"There you two are. I had to convince your father not to look for you guys." Mrs.Lee runs up to Alexis and hugs her, then let's go and gives a quick kiss on the cheek to Tae.

"Eomma...Appa...Alexis and I agree to the arranged marriage for us. We promise to birth healthy grandchildren for all of you. Don't we dear?" Taehyung gives his genuine 'I-kiss-ass-for-a-living' smile towards his parents and Lexis' parents.

"Yes, we absolutely promise." Lying between her teeth Lexis forces the fakest smile she can while glaring daggers at the back of Taehyungs head.

Helloooo thurrrrr!!!!! I just wanna say....8 followers in a week....I FEEL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT GUYS!!!! Like seriously I appreciate all of you and thank you oh so much from the bottom of my heart.

I do want to say I'm sorry for such a short chapter but guys....its hard writing with a busy school schedule lol...
But continue to support Alexis and Taehyung's soon to be married life...with possibly some little Lexi and Taehyungie babies in the future...

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