Misunderstood {ETTW pt.5}

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(Its an Angel in it's greatest form😍😍)

Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do for love? To try and keep the person who makes you go crazy everytime they are near to stay with you forever? Even though they've hurt you more than ever you still run back to them?

Alexis' POV
I ran towards the elevator. Why do I feel so betrayed? It's not like I am still in love with him. I'm pretty sure I got over that.

"Lexi wait!" footsteps are running after me.

I grab Kai and pull him into the elevator with me and my eyes met with a Taehyung rushing towards the elevator doors which were almost closed. We make it down to the lobby, I stop and turn to Kai.

"Ok look I understand you are trying to be a nice person but I think I really need some time to myself."

"Alright I'll leave you be. But if you need a little fun," he winked at me, " you know where to find me."

He turned around and walked off somewhere in the building. Scoffing at him, I walked outside back towards the house on the private beach. I reach the house and go inside.

"Hmm.... I guess someone put the food away for him...wow can't even do it himself." I shook my head and headed towards the office. I had brought my computer and started writing in my blog. I did a live fan chat since I hadn't been posting in a while. One of the comments caught me off guard though.

Answer your phone Noona.

I hear my phone start ringing from the kitchen. I get up and answer it.


"Hi Noona! Did you miss me?!"

"Who is this?"

"It's none other than me Kookie why?"

I smiled. "Oh annyeong Jungkook. Also why are you calling me Noona?"

"That's because you are older than me duuuh. Anyway can you open the door?"

Confused at the sudden request I got up and walked towards the front door. I unlocked it and to my surprise Jungkook was there with five other guys.

"Lexi Noona!" He ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I started to giggle.

"Omo what are you doing here?" I whisper, "also who are your friends?"

One with tan hair put his hand out for me to shake it. "I'm Namjoon nice to meet you."

I take his hand and shake it.

A really handsome guy comes up with blindingly good looks. "I'm Seokjin but you can call me Eomma or Jin." He sent me a flying kiss.... Hehe cute.

"HIIIII! IM HOSEOK!!" The orange haired one came, picked me up, and started shaking me around.

"Hi there beautiful I'm Jimin." he winked at me with a flirty grin.

"Sup. I'm Yoongi." he looked like he was bored but had a soft side to him.

"Nice to meet all of you. My name is Alexis Lee, but you can call me Lexi for short." I smiled at all of the handsome men.

"Wow TaeTae really scored well with this one huh hyung?" Jimin elbowed Namjoon.

"Shut up ChimChim."

"Anyway what are all of you guys doing here?" I asked all of them with a confused look on my face.

"We came to help add some fun into your honeymoon. Since we came to do that where is Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook was looking around.

I got a pained expression on my face. Sighed deeply before starting.

"Um....he's uh....with Jennifer...at the resort...having some quality time with her..." I choked out the last bit of words.

"He's what?..." Namjoon asked with a hint of pure shock in his voice.

"He wouldn't do something like that Lexi. I know Taehyung and when he cares for someone he definitely won't do anything to hurt them." Jin adds in not believing what he just heard.

"Is he at the main suite right now?" Hoseok asked me.

"I'm pretty sure he is still there with her."

"Ok that's all I need to know." his voice suddenly turns serious.

" Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin you're coming with me. Let's go." Hoseok turns and leaves with them following behind. Jungkook and Jin had me sit on the couch with them.

"Can you tell us what exactly happened?" Jin asked.

I explained from when we first arrived, how I was cold towards him, how he was acting weird after I woke up, leading up to meeting Kai, hanging out with him. Then I explained the whole following the trail of roses, catching Jennifer and him in bed together and how I left with Kai even after Taehyung tried to run after me to explain....but I didn't want to hear his excuses...his lies...

~Phone rings~

"Yes hyung?"


"Yeah she explained everything to us why?"


"Police? What do you mean?"


"Ok I'll let her know."

*Other line hangs up*

Jungkook hangs up the phone. He looks at both Jin and I.

"Alexis. Whatever you thought happened didn't actually happen. Taehyung was drugged by Jennifer."

I was shocked. I mean sure I would jump to conclusions cause I hated her so much so of course I'd think they did something together cause I believed he still wanted her although he was married. I should have stayed and listened to what he had to say regardless if I hated him too. I just misunderstood this entire situation.

Sup it's Author-Nim here. And I just wanted to say hi.... How's it going?
So you guys want to do a Q&A one day? I feel like I don't get to interact with my readers as much as I should. I want to laugh with you guys...share opinions about the characters with you guys... You know stuff like that?... Don't be afraid to ask me stuff I'm always here to answer...
Btw I'm also adding kpop memes to the end of my stories...

Be prepared cause I'm gonna go all out... *evil smirk*

 *evil smirk*

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