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I haven't told Sweets about Betty and I doing the dance tonight just because I'd only become more nervous

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I haven't told Sweets about Betty and I doing the dance tonight just because I'd only become more nervous. 

I had made sure to shave everywhere, and I mean everywhere. And I had at least put deodorant on multiple times today. I even put my favorite lotion and matching perfume so I didn't look or smell ashy and grody. I was already embarrassing myself by dancing in front of mostly half grown men, so I didn't need to look unprepared than I probably felt.

Betty and I had even went lingerie shopping, which she enjoyed too much. I decided that Betty and I should stay on more of conservative side because we don't need to be thought of from old men; we are sixteen too so I'm pretty sure this is illegal.

This morning I had put on my lingerie while my Green Giant was in a deep sleep, and snoring away on the bed.

It was a black lace one piece, that has spaghetti straps on.  I then had slipped into my blue high waisted boyfriend jeans for just For day, with a cute belt, and a black cardigan for a simple look. I then had tied my hair in a messy bun, and skipped my makeup routine for today and just put mascara on.

Obviously later on tonight I would change in the bathrooms, and put on some makeup but nothing crazy.

Plus Sweets would most likely catch on.

I then crawled back into bed and sat beside Sweets, in a criss-cross position and stared at the sleeping figure.

As I heard him snort a bit in his sleep I immediately smile.

I feel like Sweet Pea and I were an item, and I loved it but I knew he just thought of me as a friend.

But then my emotions and feelings then pulled me in realization, that he's a teenage boy which doesn't want to commit and get bored of one girl. I knew deep in my heart that we flirt back and forth, kiss, and sleep in the same bed, but what happens when he wants to take it to the next level?

We haven't slept with each other, and as much as my heart truly thinks that I could and not catch feelings, that just won't happen.

I already have feelings for the boy, and I want him to be happy. But I feel as if  I'm already dragging him through the dirt,  because I'm now living with him.
He can't bring back any girls without me noticing, or getting hurt and I didn't want that for him.

So what I did was get up from the bed, text Betty if she could take me to work. Once she had arrived I didn't even think twice before leaving the trailer.

When entering the diner, I clocked in, and put on my apron. As I took some orders,  then handing them off to FP, I then swiftly grabbed a tray that had Betty's order. She had got her usual, her fries and her Strawberry milkshake.

Once placing her food on her table, she smiles and hands me a tip. I smile and thank her before putting it in my pocket.

" You Alright? You seem off today, if it because the party tonight?" She asks before placing her fry in her mouth.

" Uh, yeah. —I guess something else has been on my mind also." I say as she raises one eyebrow at me, only causing me to sit in the seat in front of her.

" Whats the matter?" She asks.
" Promise not to tell?" I tell her, as she nods and gives me her pinky, causing me to wrap my pinky with hers.

" I kissed Sweets and-" I began to tell her as her eyes widen and immediately smile.
" Did you do it?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows causing me to nervously chuckle.
" No, it was more like PG-13 grope session. But I need advice because I want our relationship to be more than just friends with benefits." I say to her as I began messing with my fingers nervously.

" Tell him that you like him." She says as if that was simple.
" Betty, Sweets is a teenage boy that does not want to commit to one girl. And I'm already invading his privacy as it is. I just don't want to catch feelings for him and not him feeling the same." I tell her as she smiles sweetly at me before grabbing ahold of my cold hands.

" Then make him want you; get him jealous." She says as my eye brows raise at the blonde and chuckle.
" How? When no other guy is interested." I tell her as she rolls her eyes and taps my hand lightly.
" Or you can make him worry?"


Archie and Veronica had called saying they had found some information on the Black Hood, so after my shift was over Betty, Jughead, and I headed to meet them at our school library.

" So the real story was in Sheriffs notebook." Archie begins to say.
" And there was a third child; Joseph Conway who survived the massacre." Veronica adds while putting down some books on the desk.
" So he changed his name and identity to live a normal  life." Archie adds on telling us more about this guy.

" According to these notes, he was adopted by another family in Riverdale and presumably enrolled in a local High School." Veronica says as she begins to think to herself.
" Here's a picture of the kid." Archie says handing a picture to Betty, making me look over her shoulder to see as well.

" If we match that boy to one of the students at Riverdale High in the years he would've attended-" Veronica begin to explain until I finished it for her.
" Then he may could've tell us about the Conway murders are connected to the Black Hood." I say as they nod.

" Or he is the Black Hood, Just go with me here. Let's say our mystery kid did end up surviving the murder, maybe even saw it. It would've messed him up for life." Jug tells us.
" Yeah and now he could be blaming the town for everything that happened." Betty adds onto Jugs theory.
" Now he's punishing us for it." I say as it began to make sense.

" Okay So now we have to look through all these-" Veronica begins to explain as Jughead whispers to Betty about having to plan this party for FP.

" What?" She says realizing none of us are listening.
" We three actually have to continue on planning FP's retirement party." Jug says as they both nod and act a bit offended that no one told them.
" Oh, no! You guys should come!" Betty says While Jughead tells them the total opposite of Betty.

Let's just say they didn't really give us a answer.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑒𝑎 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now