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The next day I was watching all the movies from Harry Potter on my new television peacefully, until I heard someone unlock my door, and open it completely

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The next day I was watching all the movies from Harry Potter on my new television peacefully, until I heard someone unlock my door, and open it completely.

As the door swings opened, it revealed a smiling Hiram lodge. I just turn back to my television and continue to watch the last of the movie, causing him to unplug it completely.

"What the hell." I say staring at the blank television before slowly turning to the man in annoyance.
" You are almost a free woman, I just need you to do me a few favors." He tells me, handing me the box in his hands, making my brows furrow in confusion.

As I open the box, my eyes widen at the dress.
It was absolutely beautiful; it was a gorgeous black dress with some sparkle. "I don't think Hermione nor Veronica would be very happy about this, Mr.Lodge." I say jokingly causing him to roll his eyes.

" Im aquatinting you along at my daughters Club opening." He states making me to raise my left eyebrow slightly.

During the limo ride to Pops, it was silent and odd. Mr. Lodge didn't make any conversation, and kept on his phone. I was really dressed up, with heels and all, which was rather unfamiliar to me. I also had my makeup on point, due to Hermione's own makeup/hair artist. I felt really pretty, which was an foreign feeling.

Once we arrived the limo driver helped me out, then Veronica's father right after. I then met eyes with familiar brown ones, which belonged to Malachi.
"What's he doing here?" I ask in pure disgust and annoyance.
"Trust me, I'm not wanting to be here either." He spats.

" Malachi will be your date while I look around. You two be on your best behavior—That's my final wish." Veronica's father states making me roll my eyes.
" I hope so." I state before linking arms with the boy before entering the diner.

"I've already chatted with Veronica, she knows about my arrival." He tells us before leading us towards the basement door. Once someone allows us in, Veronica immediately rushes upstairs meeting us halfway, and then eyes with me with a wide smile.
"I see your out of you're finally cell, and looking dashing as ever." She states before sorrowing my outfit. "Thank you V, I'm glad to finally be a free woman." I say before hearing Malachi groan.
" Who said this imbecile could be allowed in my club?" She asks looking at her father, knowing this was his idea. I could practically hear Malachis anger beside me, but of course he didn't express it. "He's acquainting Ms.Grace, of course." He says sly-like causing Veronica to side eye me.
"Okay, well then follow me." She says as music filled my ears.

As we walked down the stairs I noticed Josie singing a song on stage, having everyone's attention. I noticed a few of my friends, and smile slightly.
Once I noticed Toni, Fangs, and Sweets crowded together my heart sank.

I missed them all summer, especially SP...

I watch Fangs look over as if he felt my stare, and I watch his brown eyes widen, and jaw drop. He quickly nudges Toni who smirks over at me, causing Cheryl and Kevin to notice my presence soon after. Fangs then aggressively tries to pry Sweet pea lovingly stare towards singing Josie, and point over at me. Once Sweet Pea looks over I watch his eyes look over at me in shock at my appearance, before dangerously eyeing Malachi dragging me along to find a table.
Josie on stage quickly noticed the stares at her crowd move over to me, which I could tell she didn't like one bit. As I take a seat beside Malachi and Veronica's father, Reggie smirkingly hands me the menu. I glance up noticing Fangs holding back angry  Sweets, and giving him a speech.

My cheeks flutter in embarrassment at the sudden glances and smiles I get from familiar and random people in the Club. I almost never caught anyone's eyes, which somewhat made me feel good about myself. As Josie's song ends, I watched a crowd of my friends practically run towards the table in smiles.

"Danny!" Toni yells while grabbing my arm and pulling me away from my seat, and hugging me.
"Oh my god you look—" she begins to say smiling but Cheryl finishes her sentence for her.
" Gorgeous!"
"You mean hot, she's got all the men's attention in this place." Kevin states smiling making me blush.
"Where have you been?" Betty and Jug both ask whispering over to me, causing me to frown slightly.
"Veronica didn't tell you?" I whisper back but they shake their head. "We've been busy doing our own stuff." Jug informs me, as I watch Fangs and Sweets walk over. "Sweets doesn't Danny look hot?" Toni asks him making me look down in embarrassment.
"Yeah, she looks great." He says making me look up noticing a small sad smile on his lips.

Right as I was opening my mouth to talk with Sweets, I watch Josie pop beside him, hanging  off of his arm.
I stop myself immediately from opening my mouth and glare at the two in front of me. My heart winced at the sight, and jealously immediately arose.
" Welcome back Daniella." She says making my anger to rise. She purposely used a completely different name, which made Fangs crinkle his nose.
"It's Danny." Fangs corrects her but she just shrugs and smiles forcefully at me.
"Same difference, ready to dance babe?" She says before looking over at Sweets.

Are you serious?

"Uh yeah, sure— nice seeing you Dan." Sweets says before walking off making me legs shake from under me. I'm guessing everyone noticed my sad eyes and tried to immediately tried to make excuses for his actions so I wouldn't disappear again. Although nothing helped, and I sat beside Malachi again.
"How does it feel getting replaced?" Malachi whispers causing me to give him a death stare.

It felt Horrible. It was completely devastating. One of the worst feelings I have felt in my life...

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑒𝑎 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now