She's hot

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Christmas break went by rather quick, and the two weeks didn't seem to fulfill my needs

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Christmas break went by rather quick, and the two weeks didn't seem to fulfill my needs. My mother and I had started to grow closer, and you could say I was trying to build a friendship with Tomis.

My dad and I haven't talked much, well that's probably because of work. He couldn't take off for Christmas morning either so I spent it with my mom, and Tomis.

I think I've grown a little bit enough to trust these two that I'm actually happy to have someone to talk too that's not one of my friends.

My dad informed me not too tell my mother about why I truly ran away, and that not to tell her I was in the hospital my first week in River dale because he wouldn't hear the end of it.

I was a bit confused but agreed. I mean I did act like a complete brat and did deserve what came to me. So I thought the least I can do is keep my mouth shut.

After getting ready for school, I then ran downstairs, towards the kitchen. Once entering I saw my mom making breakfast.

" Morning Danny. Want a plate?" She asks as I nod and take the plate from her hands. I then take a seat before eating my eggs, and hash browns.

" Do you need a ride to school?" My mother asks as she munches on her eggs.
" No, I drive." I tell her with my mouth full as she laughs a bit.
" I forgot— you are grownup now." She says a bit of a sad voice, before it then went silent.

I then take my last bite before pushing the plate towards her, and get up from the stool.

" I got to go or I'll be late." I say as I basically ran towards the garage before she could say anything more. As I entered the garage, I then stop in my tracks seeing a shirtless Tomis fixing on my dad's car.

My face went red as I admired his six pack, which would've made my mouth drop but I quickly make a look of disgust as he notices me.

" Put a shirt on old man." I comment before walking towards my car.
" That's why you were standing there watching me.— and nice jacket." He comments making me turn around to face the man who had a smirk on his face.

" He comments making me turn around to face the man who had a smirk on his face

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" You fucking wish." I say to Tomis as I entered my car. I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment before starting my cars engine.

" Jesus Christ." I whisper under my breath.


As I drive my car into my familiar parking space that was near the Serpents bikes, I then couldn't help but become slightly nervous to even talk to Sweets again. I tried not to think much about him over the break, and it worked but now I really can't do that...

As I exit my car, I then walk over to Jughead and Toni with a small smile playing on my lips.
" Hey guys." I say as they then smile back.
" Hey girly."
" Hey Danny, how'd the family reunion go?" Jughead asked me as I chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

" It went alright; turns out my mom and her boyfriend are moving here." I tell them as both of their eyes widen.
" Is that a good thing, or?" Toni began to ask.
" I guess yeah, I'm trying my best to forgive." I tell them as they nod.
" Well I'm glad to see you happy." Jughead says smiling down at me, causing my heart to flutter.

Before I could say anything, I then heard the graffiti doors of our high school slam open revealing Sweet pea, Fangs, and the rest of their buddies laughing and yelling in excitement.

" What's going on?" Jughead asks realizing everyone that was inside our school was now leaving.
"This hellhole is officially closed. Were done, no Southside High." Sweet Pea answers Jughead, clearly excited.

" What how?" Toni asks them.

" Id say quarantined. Who cares, we're all going to different schools." Sweets tells us.
" That doesn't make sense, where are you guys going?" Jughead asks.

" Same as you, Toni, Danny, and Fangs. We're going to Riverdale High— Think about all those heads to knock!" Sweets says as Fang and him play fight with one another acting like they were fighting some Northsiders before running off.

I wish he would talk to me..

" They can't do that; can they?" Jughead asks us, clearly angry he would have to leave Southside. Toni and I shrug our shoulders.

" Guess So." I say as I took my keys out of my backpack.

At least there isn't school today...

It was now late and I was at work, taking a few orders and some checks. Lately I've been rather tired at the end of the day, or just all the time and I had no idea why.

While giving a old couple their food, I then heard someone enter the diner. As I look up to see who, I notice Betty.

She makes quick eye contact with me before giving me a wave and a smile. I then do the same before walking over to get the next customer their fries. As I grab them and hand them over to the customer, I then look to see Betty and Jughead talking.

I couldn't help but lightly smile over at the two. Hopefully they would work it out, because I honestly loved them together.

I was so in my head that I didn't even notice the door open or the bell Ching when a new customer came in until someone had talked to me.

" Danny could you get me a menu." I heard my mom voice say causing me to turn to see her standing their happily.

" Yeah; is Tomis coming as well?" I ask her as I pull out the extra menus from the cabinet underneath me.
" No, he's at an Jon interview and I wanted to get out of the house." She says a I nod and hand her the menu before she sat down in the stool.

" You alright Danny you seem depressed?" My mom says out of know where as I look over at her. Her eyes were still on the menu, deciding on what she would be feasting on.

" Uh, no I'm not mom. I'm fine." I say rather quickly.
" You sure?" She asks looking up at me.
" Positive." I say even though I really wasn't, and she didn't seem convinced either.

" You need a boyfriend" She tells me causing me to laugh and roll my eyes.
" Thanks mom." I say sarcastically as she smiles and hands me the menu.
" A hamburger with fries." She says as I nod.
" Coming right up." I tell her as I turn to go tell FP the order, but once I found him I noticed he was staring at my mom.

" That your mom?" He asks.
" Yeah, why?" I ask hoping that he wasn't going to tell me anything bad.
" She's hot." He tells me as I roll my eyes and hand him her order.
" She also has a boyfriend." I tell him as he looks over at me in disappointment.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑒𝑎 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now