I knew it

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If it's not one thing, it's another

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If it's not one thing, it's another.

I'm currently on my bed, on the phone with Archie trying to calm him down about the situation, and what he should do about it.

As much as this was rather important information last night, I didn't need to get into too deep with the Lodge family industry. And Archie seemed to love the idea of dragging me down with him right now.

There were only a few hours until Veronica's confirmation, and then Hiram could most likely be a dead man afterwards.

" Archie you are giving me a headache. — Look you need to tell Hiram right after Veronica's whole confirmation, ignore that FBI agent because I'm sure  he still needs Veronica's father alive." I tell the boy as he sighs out before finally agreeing with me.

" I need to get ready. I'll see you there, okay?" I say to the boy as he hums in response before hanging up, and making me sigh out in friend.

I then start putting on my makeup, then curling my hair before putting on a long sleeved baby blue dress. Once I sprayed my favorite perfume, I then walked out of my room with my keys, phone, and high heels in my hands.

" Where are you going so dressed up?" I hear my father ask as I stepped down the last of the steps

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" Where are you going so dressed up?" I hear my father ask as I stepped down the last of the steps.
" Veronica's confirmation." I say as I look up seeing my three bossy parents in the living room.
" What the hell is a confirmation?" Tomis asks causing me to chuckle while it caused my mother to roll her eyes at her boyfriend.

" What the hell is a confirmation?" Tomis asks causing me to chuckle while it caused my mother to roll her eyes at her boyfriend

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" It's a religious Ceremony when your son or daughter, finishes with their religious studies. Mostly likely the child's religion is Catholic, and is now allowed permission to be married in the Catholic Church." My mother answers in her sick mucus voice causing Tomis to nod.
" So when will you do the same kid?" Tomis ask as I smile and shake my head.
" I dropped out of that when I was young; plus I'm omnist." I say causing my mother to look at me as I just offended her.
" What is an Omnist? Some cult!" She asks causing my father to stop reading his book while Tomis just smirks at my mother.

" What's up with you thinking I'm in cults?— Its when I believe in all gods. " I say to my mom causing her to talk in Spanish causing my dad to laugh along with Tomis. I then watch my mom take her slipper and throw it in my direction. As I dodge it, it passes by my face.

" What the hell?" I ask laughing at my sickly mom, as she takes off her other slipper.
" I'm leaving." I laugh out again as I exit the house, and seeing the slipper hit the now closed door.

Jesus Christ.

While watching Veronica's Confirmation, I could tell Archie was looking around for the old man, but when Veronica came out he loosened up.

As the Ceremony ended, there was an after party and music was blasting. After eating at the buffet I went searching for Betty and Jughead, since everyone else here was all Veronica's family.

When finally spotting the two, Betty was on the phone while Jughead looked a bit upset.
" Yeah we are the ones who put up the flyers." Betty answers happily as she then hums in response again and hangs up.

" Someone knows something about the head." Betty tells us two as I then smile she nudge Jughead.
" Let's go." I say, more than happy to be leaving.

When we arrived at the spot, we spot an old man.

" Are you the kids looking for the head?" He asks us.
" If only we lived in a town where we could say no." Jughead jokes.
" We are and you called to say that you have it?" She asks.
" I got nearly Of ten acres of scrap out there and I come across weird stuff all the time, but this! This is the first time I found a bronze head." He says as he takes his duffle bag and opens it up.
" This was stashed in a old refrigerator." He says proudly.

" You wouldn't of seen who dumped this? Has anyone suspicious been around here?" I ask the old man.

" Well I get scavengers all the time, but there was a guy that came in last week. — I've never seen him before claimed to be looking for some bike parts. — but he didn't buy anything."  He tells us as I look over at Betty now knowing that a Serpent has been around here.

" Well did you get his name? - and Uh What did he look like?" Betty ask the man.
" Low-life type, —and in one of those jackets!" The man points to Jughead and my jacket smiling. I then look at Jughead defiantly knowing now that a Serpent was here.

" By any chance was this man Tall?" I ask the man, as Tall boy comes to mind.
" Sure was." The man answered as I nod and amile over at Jughead.
" I knew it— Thank you So much." I say as Betty pays the man, and I waist no time by storming off to my car.

As we arrived to the Serpents bar, we had told Jugheads father that we had found the head and who did it. As we four walked in, I saw everyone huddled around counting the votes to either let Jughead go or keep him in the Serpents.

" Stop the vote!" FP tells everyone and puts Tall boy down in a chair in the middle of everyone. I stood beside Betty, Toni, and Sweets as we began to reveal what we found.

" What the hell were you doing at the dump last week Tallboy?" FP questions his friend.
" I don't know what you're talking about." Tall boy says trying to play dumb.
" I'm talking about you cutting the head off the Pickens statue, stashing it at the dump where you were seen dumbass; so start spilling!" FP yells at Tallboy.
" Why'd you do it? Did someone put you up to this?" Jughead asks.

" What's the Northside doing here? This is Serpent business, and on Serpent land." Tall boy asks Betty clearly bothered by her presence.
" She's here because she's one of us." Jughead tells off Tall boy while I nudge and smile over at Betty.
" You haven't answered my sons question— Why'd you do it?." FP says threw his teeth towards Tallboy.
" Cause I'm tired of the Serpents going soft under your wool. Hernim Lodge came by and wanna stir some trouble. He said if I wouldn't take the head that he'd get McCoy and the cops to swarm all over us, gossip chaos." Tall boy explains.

" So Hiram Lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him, why?" Jughead asks.
" Figured it give me a chance to get rid of Hugh Sunshine. And if I'd get rid of him I'd get rid of you too." Tall boy whispers to Jughead and then says to FP making my eyebrows raise.

" And What? You'd become the leader?" FP asks what he thought was his best friend.
"He and Penny! — Your Judas, Tall boy. And an idiot." Jughead tells the man.
" You betrayed your own kind Tall Boy, you broke a Serpent law!— what should we do with this lowlife?" He yells causing shivers going down my body.
" Strip off his jacket, exile." Jughead tells his father.
" All those in favor?" FP asks as everyone raises their hands In the air, causing FP to chuckle.
" Looks like this piece of trash and I got a long ride ahead of us." FP whispers to Tallboy.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑝𝑒𝑎 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now