Chapter 72

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Staring at my ceiling I kept thinking of where Amell was probably going to take me. I had already figured it wouldn't be somewhere fancy , no offence he didn't actually look that type. I was brought back to earth by the frantic buzz of my cellphone. The customized buzz of the phone company kept vibrating on the bedside stool. I pulled the comforter from my body, signing I took the phone and looked at the caller ID name. Adelie it said and I had to crack my head up while trying to figure out who it was, a really broad smile spread across my visage once a familiar name associated with the one calling me sprung in my head so that's how he chose to save himself as.

Pressing the green button, I put the phone against my ear. "Hello?" My faint statement came out as a question. Amell chuckled slightly on the other side before saying an equally faint hello.

"Are you asleep?" He asks and my face heats up and I presume my cheeks became redder that beetroot. Christ, its only a phone call and I'm behaving as though I'm halfway to heaven. Amell repeats his words and I abruptly come back to reality. "Oh -," I reply," - sorry I zoned out, no I'm not yet asleep,"I tell him.

"What are you thinking about?" He suddenly asks and I feel my cheeks flush. Sighing I get out of bed and walk across the room to the bathroom. Splashing some water on my face, I lean against the sink. I decide to tell him the truth," about where you plan on going ...or..rather...taking you know me...only as an apology -,"I groan loudly and hear Amell laugh loudly on the other side of the line." So you were indirectly thinking about me?,"he jokes and I flinch. Was I ?

"That's not what I was implying when I told you that ," I say in a slightly harsh tone. He sighs on the other side and I know that the smirk he had on his face has faltered. "Okay -," he replies subtlety."- I'll come by at around six." Six!!! Is he planning on taking me to a nocturnal restaurant. "Goodnight Tracy, that's what I actually called to say," he says and the other side goes quiet. I'm left wondering about why he'd want to go somewhere at night, I just hope I'm not making a mistake by accepting, or maybe it's a big fat mistake, probably fatter than all my other mistakes....worse...with an even fatter out-
"Boots?" I'm startled when I hear Amell's alluring voice on the other side, the way he says boots sends shivers down my whole body. "Okay I'll be ready....night...Adelie," I hesitate but I finally let the last word slip out of my mouth. As if we are connected through  some sort of medium, I feel the smile grow on his face and he hangs up.

The rest of my sleep is uninterrupted. Of late the nightmares haven't been frequent even though Aiden wasn't in the house half the time he was spending here in Riverside. Lately my nights had been peaceful I think or maybe I'd been occupied by a few unexpected things that drifted my mind away from my frequent depressing thoughts and reminiscences.

Waking up I proceeded to the bathroom and made myself "presentable". I poured myself a mug of hot coffee upon reaching the kitchen and left it to cool as I made my way to the living room. Aiden was lying awkwardly on the couch and the TV was on and an NBA basketball match was going on. His lips we're slightly parted and he was gently snoring. An idea suddenly sprung into my mind. I tiptoed to the TV and connected it to the two huge speakers on the side. Shifting through the channels I clicked on a channel that constantly played metal, hard metal music that could make your ears throb. I click on the mute button before raising the volume to a hundred. I grabbed a pair of ear muffs from the coffee table inserting them in my ear. A smile spread across my face, a wicked evil grin actually, as I clicked the mute button again. My grin turned into a muffled chuckle when the sound system boomed so loudly I could hear it through the ear muffs. I watched as Aiden shot up from the seat his face flushed and his big eyes were wider than saucers. I read his lips when he uttered fuck and dropped to the floor while trying to reach the cables connecting the TV to the sound system. I could feel myself laugh, I laughed so hard I felt my ribs crack. He raised himself back up and fell down once again as he reached for the cables pulling them from their respective holes. I removed my ear muffs and smiled sweetly at him. The imaginary devilish horns growing on my forehead

"Shit -," he cursed, "- that is no decent way to wake up someone having a hangover ," he says breathlessly while trying to stay on all his fours. He was still on the carpet trying to catch his breath, I stared at him with a contented smile on my face. He slowly raised his head and his curls hang freely on his forehead, "You -," he said in a husky voice "- are the devil reincarnated," he finished and a wicked grin spread across my face, that explains the horns on my forehead. I gave him a curtsey , a mocking one actually, and failed miserably because my sweats couldn't stretch out like a dress or skirt was supposed to when curtsying. "- you couldn't have poured cold water on me instead?-," he tried to get up from his current position "- shit Rae my ears are bleeding ," he whined and I just giggled. Before I knew it he had got himself up and was lunging his huge body towards me. I let out a loud yelp when he grabbed me and lifted me to his shoulders.

"I swear I'll pinch your ass if you don't let me down this instant Aiden ," I demanded. He growled dramatically "are you trying to sound like Tarzan or George of the jungle , because you are failing," I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see them. A few seconds later I was sent thudding down to the kitchen counter, I winced when my butt hit the marble material. "Whose butt hurts now ?" Aiden said as he smirked at me and I stuck out my tongue at him to which he reciprocated.

"By the way it's the end of the month," he says while heading to the cupboards. I know it's my birthday month coming up I don't need to be reminded twice.

"Yeah, yeah , I know it's my birthday month but -," I was cut off when he let out a chuckle ," - I shifted my gaze from the marble counter top to him ,"- I wasn't talking about your stupid birthday , we have therapy today, " he says and my wincing face falters to another horrible look. Therapy, I admit I didn't mind Claire but the thought of therapy every once a month or so wasn't that comfortable. Furthermore the fact that my dad was paying for it made it even worse. He thought that once I got therapy everything might change, well he didn't know change wasn't a drastic thing and it required going through stages, in this case our first stage was forgiveness which was one thing and word I'd thrown to the farthest corner of my mind. My hands clenched at the thought of Bob trying to swim so easily back into my life and when he literally had the chance of drowning in it, he took it for granted. He made me go through hell and what's worse he made me go through it by myself once my mom died. My mom, Khloelle, was a beautiful woman her ever vibrant face was a constant picture stuck in my mind, but she could have been more beautiful had she been parachuted into another life.

My hands were now clasping onto the edge of the counter as though it was the last ounce of breath that I needed. I felt the tears hot on my face and one drop fell the another and before I knew it, I jumped of the counter and stomped out of the room. I wasn't afraid to say it,and if need be I could shout it right at his face I hated Bob Anderson I hated him with every nerve within me, with every ounce of breath I had.

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